Page 231 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 231

             B.—Import of Principal Articles (by Buggalows) during the years I9»3*M *° *9*S**^«

                                            Quantities.            Y a I.UK.
                                      1913-14.   1914-15.  1915-16.  1913-1 tw 191-1-15.  1915-16.

                                                             Ul      Da.    K*.
        Bamboos, male            No.   60,000         50,ft;0  f 10         1,167
              split              Bdl*.  2,000  6,000           400    800
        Parley •                Cwts.  50.000  40,000  37,50)  19,000  laiw  10,500
        Ctandals .               Pieces  30.000  €0,000  50.000  5,000  8,000  6.657
        Coal                    Cwts.   1,800   105            186    300
        Charcoal                  m     1,562  6,230  2.000   1,000  1,167   CG2
        Cocoanuts                No.    8,000  1,000  2,000    43      5      12
        Coffco                  cwts.    250     75     75     too    300     260
        Coir yarn                 II    1,860  1,400   931   1,700    5 JO   650
        Condiments                9%    2,600          220   1.066           SOS
        Dates, fresh              • t   6.060  4,500  6,020  2 ,500  1,400  1,567
         * Jaics                         200    450    309     93     ISO    140
         » *«t                    m     6,240  22.S70  23.750  2.500  6,o:o  5,500
        Date wood                                            1,000    570   1,333
        DhaU                    Cwts.    80                    40
        Pish OB                  Galls.  40,000  48,000  10,000  2,COO  3,00)  3,333
        Fruits, driod                   1,500                1,050
         m fresh                                             2,347   1/4-47  1,405
        Ghi                     Cwts.    160     70           779     1S7
        Limes, dried              ft     160     31     47    442     75     111
        Kerosene oil             Galls.  64.000  24,000  73,600  2,133  1,900  3,067
        Lost eugar              Cwts.  2.000                 3,206
        Mala                     No.   39,500  23,000  7,000  1,833  2,194   906
        Oil, Cocoantxt          Galls.   600           320    133             80
        Oil, Sim-Sim ,            n      GOO    200    210    133     CO      56
        Paddy                   Cwt*.                 3,000
        Onions .   ,              •»    2,500  1.250   635    COO     233    167
        Piece-goods (Ear)       Pieces  6,000  3,000  3,000  1,333    800   1,000
        Bine                     Cwts.  2,700  2.250  17,550  1,460  U00    8*86
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