Page 234 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 234


                    B.—Total Exports of Principal Articles (by Bungalows) during the years 1913-14 to 1915-v6.
                                                       Quaxtitiu.            Valc*.
                                                 1913-1 L  1914-15.  1915-16.  1913-14.  1911-15.  1915-10.

                                                                        IU.    1U.    JU.
                  Animals .               . Head    500            15     500           140
                  A (trait ha ns            No.   40,000           150   4,533
                  Bamboos .                Pieces.  40,000       40.000   560           935
                  Chan dais .  »                   1,000  IO.COO  40,000  333   1,330  5,333
                  Cocoannts                 No.    6,000                  31
                  Coir tops .                                             S23    293    lift
                  Enamel warn                                             187
                  Fish oil                  Galls.  16,000        8.000   933           333
                  Ghi .                     Carta.  1,060          125   9,000          S33
                  Hides and Skint            tl     248                   310
                  03, Kerosene ,                   4,000                  133
                  Piece-goods (Kar)        Pieces.  500                   133
                  Pngar                     CwU.   1.000   600   1,000    733    840   1,833
                  Riee                             3.740  6,000  6,000  2,000  2,927   3,733
                  Tamarind                         2,187   281    250   1,050    SGO    133
                  Tea                              1,340         1,340   6,000         8,000
                  Wet dates „                       740    750   2,250    167    183    500
                  Wood for building boats                                 933           300
                    „ Mango ,                                             283           376
                    m Elbows ,                                           1,400
                  Wool      • V*            Cwta.   490                   852
                  Articles not specified above  m                         210    53     733

                                 Total £                                30,593  5,926  22,636
   229   230   231   232   233   234   235   236   237   238   239