Page 229 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 229


            B.-Import of Principal Articles (by steamers) during the years 19'3-U to '9»5-«6  'ontd.
                                            Quantities.            Value.
                                       1913-11.  1011-15.  1315-16.  1913-11.  1914-15.  1015-18.

                                                              It*.   Ra.    Ru
         Lamps anil Lampware                                   400     CO     120
         Ironware .                                            891    314     259
         Hardware .                                           1,193   411     454
         Looking glasswjrc                                     ■133   250     200
         Marine ttorea                                        1,780   300
         Kails, iion                                           ICG    220   • ••
         Metals                                                382     72
         Ua'ches                                              1,301*  1,006   649
         Newspapers, old          cwts.   319                  204     90     107
         Oil, Kerosene            Galls.  160.SCO             4,690
         „ other fcjrts                  1.922   3SG           101     53
         Onion*                   cwts.  2,520   C77   1,310  1.5G9   450     715
         Paints and colours                                    523    140     71
         Pearls                                                      13,200
         Piecc-gooda                                         43,606  34,013  67,600
         Pig-lead                 cwts.   752    COO           877    700
         Provisions .                                         1,185   315     650
         Potatoes                 cwts.   723    10      70    485      7     66
         Rica .                        121,133  134,311  76,078  77.672  77,602  42,266
         Rose bads                                             259     96     100
         Sail doth                                             507    480
         Silk and silk goods                                   204    139
         Specie                                               5,340  1,669   1»45S
         Spices                                               4,647   909   2^29
         Sugar, soft              cwts.  36,112  11,516  17,553  25.771  9,213  22.070
          99                       99    1,681   311    432   1,733   215     507
         Tallow                          1,143   207    198   4,593   590     195
         Tamarind .                      3,820  4/90   3,532  1,534  3,268   1.766
         Tra .   .                       2,007  2,364  6,206  7,720  8,838  18,141
   224   225   226   227   228   229   230   231   232   233   234