Page 255 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 255
Kuwait has no currency of her own, and the following foreign coins are current in the market : —
English sovereigns, Indian rupees, nickel anna pieces and copper pice, Maria The;sea dollars, Turkish
Lir *s; Persian Kr.«us (for account purposes only).
The standard weights in Kuwait are the following;—
1!a 41ihs-
1 of
12 Voghisi ■ . 54 lbs., this Is -S».vl for baring sod soiling sa2 cloth
21 T* • . 108 lbs™ this is cj«d for ghi (clarified batter) sod
Ja>« ^morUrjL
27 • . 1211 lb*-, this is tie I-o-sl Goremnjerr's cartons
mcavire for weighing goods for a-sonwot
of daty.
30 w • • 135 lb*., cotainrn we:gf-t for weighing irtules other
th*n these n-satioced shore.
1 Yagar . 20 Us ones—0Q Yogb ias—270 Trs.
The lineal standard measure for cloth and all piece-goods is the Dhira (cubit), which is equal
to about IS English inches. Cloth is also sold in pieces and bales.