Page 258 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
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in Persia wlicncc it was imported before by native line from Basrah. The want of telegraphic
craft. communication was hampering the trade and
Wood for boats.—Owing to an'emhargo, no commerce of the port. It is largely used by tho
wood was imported on 1915-10 and tho increase people, especially by the mercantile community
in the current year is due to this fact. and, although it is only a few months since the
office has been opened for public traffic,
the average number of messages received and
despatched daily has already reached the figure
Chandals.— Show an increase of £3,333 which of SO.
is due to iiso in prices. Customs.—Up to February 1917 the import
Dates, wet.—Show an increase of £],9S3 which and export duty was 4 per cent, excepting certain
is due to increased export to the interior. articles such as tea, gold thread, silk and silk
Fish oil.—The quantity imported is lower than goods, etc., on which 10 per cent, was charged. On
in 1915-1C and the increase in the value is due his accession the present Shaikh, His Excellency
to the advance in price. Salim bin Mubarak, abolished the export duty anil
introduced au uniform rate of 4 per cent, import
Rice.—Decrease of £2,55G is due to corre duly on all goods. This reform, it is expected,
sponding increase in imports by steamers. will give a good impetus to the trade of the
Water.—A number of Kuwait water boats port.
have gone to Basrah for transport work which Boat-building.—Has been very brisk, 26
appeais to pay them better and tl»e decrease is due Mahaillas, 2 large booms and 5 large bellams were
to this fact as well as to the sinking of a number built during the year, some of these were for
of new wells in the vicinity of the town. Government for transport w*ork in the Shatt-al-
Wheat.—Decrease of £4,GG6 is due to the Arab. The value of these boats which is estima
failure of crops in Persia. • ted to be £1G,500. is not included in the trade
Wood for boats.—For reasons for increase see figures.
remarks against wood imported by steamers. T ransport.—The following were the rates of
| transport to the interior in 191G-17 :—
For Jul6, EoraHah, Anizah and Knss’m S6—£ 0*9-0
per m.vind of 27 Yojjhia*—121'lbs.
Pearls.—Show an increase of £14,000 which „ Shagra, Ozdair and Haznel • §5—*£0*10-6
is due to a successful season.
per maund of 27 Yoehias — 121 Jibs.
Specie.—Shows an increase of £24,334 which Exchange.—The rates of exchange were as
is due to dearth of drafts on Bombay.
EXPORTS BY BUGGALOWS. per §100 per £ per £T.
Gbi—Increase of £3,333 his due to larger April . £ 8-14-8 1-O-Si 0-18- 8
quantity of ghi having come from Nejd. Bay . „ 0* 6 8 1-0-8 0*18*111
Wheat.—The £1,000 represents value of June . „ 9- 44) 1-1-2 0-19- 4
wheat re-shipped to Persia. July . „ 9- 4-8 1-1-2 0- 19- 7
Freights, Shipping and Navigation.—There Aug a st . „ 9- 4-10 1-1-10 1- 0-0
was no regular steamer service to Kuwait. The September . • 9-14-8 1-4-2 1 -O-
British India and Arab steamers called occasionally October . „ 9-17-0 1-2-0 1- O- 6*
and only when sufficient inducement offered- Korea. beT . „ 10- 2-8 1*2- i 1- 0-11
The shortage of tonnage was, as will be seen from December . „ 10- 2-8 1-2-6 1- 1- 2J
the returns, made np by local ocean-going January „ 10- 6-8 1-2-9 1- 1- 4«
February . „ 11- 6-8 1-2-11 1- 1- 5
The following were the rates of freight by March . „ 11-17-2 1-2-7 1-2-1
steamers to Bombay and Karachi:—
April to July £2 0 0 per ton. B. E. A. HAMILTON, Lievt.-Colond,
August and September £3 6 8 n
October to December £2 0 0 Political Agent, Kuwait.
January to March £3 0 0 »» Kuwait,
Telegraph.—Kuwait has at la«t been connected
with the outer world by an overland telegraph The 7th Odoler 1917.