Page 260 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 260

                          Imports of principal articles (by steamers) during the years 1914*15 to
                                                      Qcaxtitii:b.            VaLCE.
                                                 1914-15.  1915-1G.  191G-17.  1914-15.  1915-16.  19XC-17.
                                                                         £      £
                  Anchor*                   No.     118     10      1     109    37    £  24
                  Aniline dye .
                                                                          85             10
                  Apparel, wearing .        value                         871   2,100   357
                  Arms and ammunition
                                             N                          15,129           7
                  Bara, iron .                                            136
                  Barley                    cwi.                 0,495  • M            3,785
                  Carpeta                   value                         COO     27
                  Cast iron pipes .          No.    323                   211
                  Building material*        value                         912    905    350
                  Charcoal                   cwi   2.SS3 j  •138          897    100
                  Coal .                     tons   413                   S23
                  Coal Tar                                                23
                  Coffee.                   cw:«   7,356  i  11.S34 ,   10.9S0  21,620  35,416   Vj.992
                                                       !      !
                  Coir and coir rope                                     1,410   177     19
                  Cotton                    cwta    129    107 :  214     97      86    1GJ
                  Phan                              435    252  I  2,040  283    185   1,112
                  Drugs                                                   207    232    675
                  Beam cl ware                                           1,520  3,6*0   3*5
                  Eartl en ware                                           4b             U
                  Fruits, dried and fresh                                 44     24      10
                  Firewood                  cwta.  3,000   2,121          215    421
                  Furniture ,                                             143           164
                  Ghee .                                           75                   500
                  Glass and glassware                                     137           284
                  Goats hair .              cwts     9              8      6             5
                  Ground nnts                       687 !  318      4     367    169     3
                  Gunny bags   .                    425                   142    367
                  Haberdashery   .                                        320    4)0 !   48,914
                  Isonps and Lsmpwar*                                     6D     120    !6l
                  Ironware                                                314    258    393
                  Hardware •   .                                          411    454     39
                  Looking glassware                                       250    200 ;   3
                  Manns stores                                            300       I    15

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