Page 261 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 261

           B — Imports of principal articles (by steamers' during the years I9T4-o I9l^ 17—contf.
                                            ^ClNTITJE*.            ValUK.
                                      I'J] 4*15.  lt‘15-16. j 1016-17. j 1011-15.  1015-6.  lVlG-1”.
                                                              £      £       £
                                                               120           310
        Nails, iron
        Metals                                                 72             44
         lloleliei                                            1.096   6(0   1,100
        Nev*ja|>ers,old .   •     cw'.t.                       00     lo­     st
                                  gilla. j              J.ft   53             26
        Oil, coconut, and otlicr sorla   336
        Ovens                    cwls    677    1,31'  1.211   450    715    820
         Paints nod colours                 I                  no      71    427
        Pearls                      • : I                    13.200
        Ficce-goods                                          21,013  67,600  161,130
        Pig-lead                 cwts.   COT                   700
         FroT’sions •                                          315    650    225
         Potatoes                 ewis.   10     70 ;   120     7      56 j   96
         Kite .                        134,311  76.075 ,  55.42-  77,662  42,216 !  55,617
                                            1      I
         Jlcsc-Vads .                                          06     100 :  1(2
                                            !      I
        Sail cloth .                                           IK)
        S:!\- and silk-goods                1 :                13*       j   101
        S. rde                                                1.0,9  1,453 i  155
                                            :                            I
         S: ices                                   I           969   2,229   217
        Sugar, v ft .   ,         cwts.  13,516  17,553  32,'. S3 |  9^13  22,070  43,100
          m Loaf .                       311                   2(5    507
         TalKw                     »»    207 I  12-9    350 '  590    195   1.733
                                     i      i I
         Tamarind .                *    4,(96 !   3 532 1  7,2>2 !  3.2CG  1,706  !  6.473
        Tea                             2.36-1 ^  5.265  3.618 i  S.«28  18,141  20,265
        Thread, gold and silrer                                135       I   4U0
        Tobacco                    •»    629     701    S43  I  i>:c  1,708 !  1.761
         Twiits and jams .                                            855 j
                                                           i  2.0C2         2.040
        Wheat and other cereals    99          2X-11   2,402    21   1,747 !  10.SS6
         Wheal floor                    2,325    915 i  5X26  1X50    010 1  4,021
        Wine and spirits .
                                                                7              6
        Wood, Agar .                                      :     80            25
          „ for boats .                                    i    71
                                                           I                 4,168
        Articles not specified aloes                       I   254    483     681
                          TuTax,                           :  209,763  200,90V
                                                   I                       385,327
   256   257   258   259   260   261   262   263   264   265   266