Page 439 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 439
Import of Principal Articles by steamers during thj years 1920-21, 1921-22 and 1922-23.
1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 1920-21 1921-22 1022-23
£ £ £
Bamboos . • Rdls. 490 03
liars. Iron Val uo 77
Barley . . __ • Cwt. 7.501 23,973 4,109 15,434
Building Material* ■ Val uo 07 151
Cereals ... CwU 100 508 123 SO 298 63
Charcoal 53 1,730 23 1,183
Clarified Butter . 192 321 930 1,285
Coal and Coal Tar . 8,658 SCO
Cocoanuts . . X. o. 15,000 53
CofTee . . • CwU 12,102 8,410 3,116 41,935 22,427 13,200
Coir and Coir Rope Valuo 82 098
Condiments . CwU 21 172 103
Cotton . 99 217 351 73 470 2,1 S3
Dhall . 3,530 3.2->2 2,357 131 2.353
Drum . Value
Fruits . 917 235
Furniture 13
Glass and Glassware
Goats' Hair . Cwt. 1 27
Groundnuts . . 18 931 301 137 023 234
Grocery Val uc J.O'-S 3.20.5 *3.900
Haberdashery 9,017 19,720
Henna ... Cwt SO S8
Hardware Value 47
Ironware Gails. 477 600
Kerosene Oil . 3C.SC4 47,900 4.591 3,197
Lamps and Ltmpware Value 10 CO
Limes (Dried) CwU 93 52
Matches . Value 23*1 133
Metals . 133 703
X.iils, Iron . . 10
Oil, Cocoanut and S**rls Gills.
OrJons . Cwt. 5,790 4,731 1.287 1.043
Pepper .... S2 3u0 49 HI 726 78
Piccrgoods . Val uo 81,037 32.970 104,113
Potatoes ... CwU 390 130
Provisions Value 209 351
Rice .... CwU 202.013 390.S3S 203,094 131,31*9 3ll,9o9 120.383
Rosebuds Value 23
Sail Goth 20
Specie .... 23.603 3-3.3-52 10,192
Spices . . « 231 1.470 426
Sugar, Loaf . Cu-U 598 4,452 31.011 I.3» 6,985 48,045
Sugar, Soft . 99 21.S70 87,311 51,250 41,13*1 266.154 90,800
Tallow .... »• 1,254 53 2,3s ri 1.292 75
Tamarind ... 99 2,583 1,631 1.722 3.S9 4 1.374
Tc* 13,930 8,735 20.047 24,624 40,8s7
Tobacco 420 03 839 490 84
Twists and Yams . Value 10
Wheat .... Cwt. 22.623 41.302 331 18.098 33.012 147
Wheat floor . 5.689 10,719 3,536 5.310 12.7G1 2.U2C
Wood for Boats Value S6
Wood Elbows . . 106
Articles not specified shore 99 13 67
Total 102,683 832,576 550,726