Page 440 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 440
Import of Principal Article* by *tcamer« during the year* 1920-21, 1921-22 and 1922-23.
Art:a.73 and couamirs rxox which imported
1920-21 1021-22 1922-23 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23
£ £ £
Bamboo*. India . . Bdla 490 77 05
Ban, Iron, India . . Value
Barley, India Cat. 7,504 28,075 4,109 15,454
Building Materials India. Value bO 298
Cereals India. Cat. 100 508 1,780 -■- 28 68
Charcoal. India . . 53 950 1.265 1.168
Clarified Butter, India 192 321 600
Coal and Coal Tar, India 8,058
Coenanut*. India . . No. 15,000 41,955 22,427
Coffer, India . Cut. 12,102 8,410 3,110 82 13.290
Coir and Coir Rope, India Value 64 CM
Condiments India . Cat- 21 470 472
Cotton, India . 247 354 73 2.168 103
HUM. India . Value 3.53G 3,282 2,337 131
Drugs, India 2,353
Fruits India ... 917 235
Furniture, India
data and Glassware, India
Goats' Hair, India . Cat. 4 137 023
Groundnuts India . 18 934 304 284
Gio:crr, India Value 1,088 rU’f-5 S3.CC0
Haberdashery, India 9,017 19,720
Henna. India Cat. 80 8b
Hardware. India . . Value 47
Ironware, India 477 090
Kerosene Oil, America . Calls. 30.SC4 47,900 4,591 3.197
Lamps and Lampware, India Value 40 CO
Lines (Dried), India Cat. 93 52
Matches, India Value 250 133
Metals, India 133 703
Nail* Imn, India . 40
Oil, Cocoa nut and Sorts India Calls.
Onions India Cat. f.’OO 4,731 1,287 1.043
Pepper, India . 62 390 49 141 728 78
Pirn-goods India . Value 84,037 32.970 104.113
Potatoes India Cat. 390 1-9
Provisions India . Value 2i<9 354
India .... Cwt. 199.238 390,658 203.094 132,459 344,909 126,363
Japan .... 2.775 1350
Rosebuds Persian Coaat . Yd uc 23
Sail clrth. India ... 90 20
Arab Coast ... m 1.113 32,147 5.745
India .... m 22,520 1.138
Persian Coaat ... 207 10,447
Spiers India .... 251 1,476 426
Sugar Loaf, India . . . Cwt. 598 4,452 31,011 1393 0,985 46,045
Sugar, Soft, India . Of 24.670 87.341 54,450 41.4.70 200,154 96,610
Tallow, India ... 1.254 04 G 53 2,508 1.292 75
Tamarind, India ... Of 2.583 4,780 1.884 1.722 3,694 1.374
Tea, India .... 13.936 9,330 8,785 20.647 24,624 46.867
Tobacco, India . . . 420 377 03 639 490 S4
Twists and Yarns India . . Vdi 10
Wheat, India ... Cwt. 22,623 41,302 331 1P.098 33.642 147
Wheat flour, India . . 5.069 16,749 3,530 5,816 12,761 2,026
Wood for Boats. India . Yd a* 66
Word Elbows India • •• 106
Ax tides not specified above, India »» 13 67
402.663 832.576 550.724