Page 444 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 444
Import o! Principal Article* by Sailing Craft during the year* 1920-21, 1921-22 and 1922-23
QiusTmr* Valuh
1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 1920-21 1921-22 1022-23
£ £ C
Clarified butter—
’Iraq . Cut. 7 24 800 70 142 3,019
Persian Coast • • 9 268 420 357 2,0.70 2,518 1.310
India . . 339 C29 I.7S8 3.143
Other Porta . 14 57
Coal and CoaJ Tar—
Arab Coast . 99 ’*453 15 15
Persian Coast * 182 2S9 38
’Iraq . 37 11
India . . •9 317 10 13 C
Other PorU • 9* 83 8
Arab Coast . W 478 250 333 100
’Iraq . 14 4
Persian Coast 99 '*351 534 130 2S7 214 48
India . • 99 5.109 6.023 5.103 2,271 2,030 1.342
Cocoa nuts—
India . No. 11.977 1,000 5.500 32 4 22
Other Porta ft 7,000 3,000 19 15
’Iraq . . . Cvrt. 34 19 126 -S)
India • • 244 133 18 713 424 3JG
Arab Coast 99 90 33
Coir and Coir Rope—
Arab Coast 99 17 220 30 13 59 7
’Iraq . . . 99 10 2,526 100 11 842 19
Persian Coast . 99 54 202 18 27
India . . 99 6,313 13,902 11,738 6.4 S8 6.301 3,799
Arab Coart ] . 99 18 34
’Iraq . *» 56 93 1,123 62 t
Persian Coast . M 29 114 52 81
India . • 99 1 1 4 1
Arab Coast • ft 30 40
’Iraq . 99 9 18 1 13 4 1
Persian Coast . 209 126 132 298 163 281
India • • M 338 139 270 248
Date Syrup—
'Iraq . • • 222 340 360 327 340 290
Persian Coast 99 112 271 341 106 271 272
Dates (Wet and Dry)—
Arab Coast 99 204 421 2S3 504 747 490
'Iraq ... 99 24,295 44.006 40,708 8,998 20,275 6,907
Persian Coast 99 27,445 79,197 96,993 10,830 36,504 22,500
Date Wood—
Arab Coast Value 12
'Iraq . 99 1,427 1,253 1,807
Persian Coast 99 1,214 1,367 3,333
DhaJI —
’Iraq . Cut. 1.326 119 13 1,203 897 6
Persian Coast 99 410 125 231 67
India • 867 215 306 778 ”947 131
Arab Coast Value 67 84 1
’iraq . . 7 429 289
Persian Coast n 358 1,521 731
India • n 364 23
Other Port* f* 6 28