Page 448 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 448
Import of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft daring tbo years 1920-21, 1921-22, 1922-23
Articles axd ooxnttvpia rnon wmen imported
1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23
£ £ £
Arab Cnut Valu® *.* 10 67 4
»» V 37 22 467
Pcr3an Coul 18 82
India . 907 113 13
Bu^ar, Loaf— V
Pendan Coast Cwt 2
'Iraq . *.• 100 180
Arab Coast »• 300 433
Socar, Soft-r
Arab Coast 34 91
Pcxsiaa Coast •» 400 70 LQ67 80
India a 200 1.138 645 400 1.213 799
’Iraq . *.* 143 227
Arab Coast 4 10
Perriao Coast 99 6 8 14 20
India 99 268 306 55 536 879 100
Pendan Coast 99 30 20
India N 6.181 2,So0 6,515 4.121 1,921 2.754
Arab Coast 99 67 38
Arab Coast t* 737 42 2.449 131
•Iraq . ? 2S8 63 900 131
Persian Coast 7 199 25 12 663 63
Iodia . 7 2,147 365 90 2.CS2 1,217 434
Arab Coast 324 188 14G 729 53 242
'Iraq . 99 417 347 418 2.010 1.504 1,842
Pernan Coast 780 2.866 706 2,070 1.882 1.808
India 71 S 93 13
Trials and Yams— 99
Arab Coast Value 6
Persian Coast 321 84
India 99 3 8
Water,'Iraq . Bams 1,825 1,825 1.S25 10,640 12,167 13,383
Wearing Apparel—
Arab Coast Value v 53
'Iraq. . 3,417 13
India 40
Wheat— r
Arab Coast Cwt. 2,005 662 2,183 600
'Ira^ . •» 2,688 3,529 31,005 2,293 2,353 13,848
Persian Coast 4.570 3,000 13,185 5.G88 2.400 8.654
India 17,956 10,629 14.365 7,036
Wheat PI 7
Persian Coast r 154 2 22 2
India • 1.442 1,677 1.595
Iraq. . 105 45
Arab Coast 7 . 367 219
Wood for Boats— 7
Arab Cpast Vaju. v 99
*Imq . •• 38 33
Persian Coast *» 55
India 1.392 6,402
Other Porta 27
Wood Agar—
Arab Coast 10
India v 4