Page 446 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 446
Import of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during tbe years 1920-21, 1921-22 and 1922-23
Quastitieb Vilci
Annci.Es akd cocstrxes mo* which ntrorrrco
1020-21 1921-22 1922-23 1920-21 1921-22 1922-2]
£ £
Henn £
Arab Coast . Cat, 30 1 29 1
'Iraq . . . 51 03 35 45 51
Persian Coast 81 129 74 :»8 29
India . . 97 15 6 143 CO
Othor Porta . 4 90 C C 11
Hides and Skins—
Arab Coast Value 40 24
’Iraq . 13 5 3
Peraian Coast *• 22 13 45
India . 29
Other Porta . c rt V* 2 1
Arab Coast . 99 13 483 6
’Iran . 193 293 652
rer-Un Coast . 28 7
India . . 2U
Kerosene Oil— 11 359
Arab Coast Galls. 1.010 G9
*Ira<j . 1,090 G60 85 27
Persian Coast 17,020 36.10* 139,080 1.485 2,594 8.514
India 1,080 112
Lamps and Latnpaare—
Arab Coast Value 47 5 W
*Iraq . 25 13 25
Persian Coast
India . . 99 64 4
Limes (Dried)—
Arab Coast Cat. 90 282 36 203 313 86
’Iraq . 15 3
Persian Coast . 14 12 35 3
India . . 41 9 137 123
’Iraq . . Value 40 3
Per man Coast 10 79 13
India . 2,517
Arab Coast 99 30
Arab Coast No. 2.920 1,648 1,090 487 61 176
’Iraq . . 39.3S0 33,458 40 1,965 113 1,226
Persian Coast 99 4,278 3.456 39,041 234 151 80
India . 99 70 20 8 7 3 1
Arab Coast Value 27 20 2
’Iraq . 99 467 268 74
Persian Coast *• 40 13 44
India 448 L509
Motor Cara— M
Persian Coast Ko. I 300
Nails, Iron—
Arsb Coast Cat. 1 2
’Iraq . 99 14 24 264 93 31 27
India 90 38 GO 298 76 17
Kesrspapera { (6id>—
Arab Coast Value 13
’Iraq . m 180 23
Persian Coast
99 65
Oil fiimsim —
*Iraq . Calla 200 32 31 67
Persian Coast 2,800 180 19 660 30 176