Page 451 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 451
Export of Principal Article* by Sailing Craft during tbe year* 1920-21, 1921-22 and 1922-23.
Qpiirnnci Value
1920 21 1921-22 1922-23 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23
£ £ £
Cows . Heads 20 7 42 104 22 100
Camels 21 C7 178 443
Donkeys 13 27 20 GO 143 89
Horaea 3 4 3 45 37 20
Sheep and Goats 3.072 4,000 9IS 1.899 2,330 485
Anchora k;. 2.'.7 1 148
Bamboos 1.3 GO 585 39 109 05 13
Bamboos. Split 500 13
Barley . Cut. 1.212 5,918 2.705 518 3,881 099
Building Materials . Value 1.225 2,320 1.708
CnrjH.-ta 4.2IG 528
Cereals . Cut. 508 1.S22 G04 5^G 1.017 372
Chandnls No. 77.312 10,907 13594 4.247 1.227 2.199
Charcoal Cut, S55 2,207 1.630 292 532
Clarified Butter 489 1570 5S8 3513 11,309 3,181
Cocoanut8 No. SG0 250 7 3
Coir and Coir Rope Value 3,101 1.824 2.023
Coffee . Cut. 10.203 2.09G 2/J-7G 13,091 7,701 10.413
Cotton . 109 h'j 3 210 1S3 40
Date Syrup . Valuo 3 58 41
Dhall . Cwt. 1.504 3,210 844 1.422 2.3SO 451
Drugs . Value 514 745 303
Dyes and Colours . 383 10
Fish (Fresh and Drv) Cwt. 338 318 501 109 751 330
Pish Oil. Galls. 20,110 37,380 44,004 1.G67 2537 1,909
Firewood Value 315 729
Fruits (Fresh and Dry) 731 321 314
Furniture 21 2
Groundnuts . fl 70 00
Grocery 1,030 897
Gunny B aS» - 274 1 Ml 659
Haberdashery 978 828
Henna . C^rt. 22 3 • 23 2
Hides and Skins Value 1,130 329 02
Iron and Ironware . G9 73 4^3
Kerosene Oil . Gails. 2,884 3,043 8,70S 180 2SG 441
Lamps and Lamp ware Value 6
Limes (Dried) Cwt. 153 359
ilate Value 516 129 247
Matches • 9 2.839 1.739 2,076
Metals . c’l*. 223 422 28
Kails . 38 17 81 642 165 47
Onions . . . 163 €08 60 69 133
Oil Simsim . GnVls. G8 1512 117 168
Pepper . Cut. 296 158 471 335
Pieccgoods Value 15,809 11502 12,149
Provisions 57 252 64
Rice C*t. 416,088 120514 55/150 125.400 101592 38522
Boil Cloth Value 334 99 30
6ilk and Silk Goods
Soap ... tf 00 55 62
6pices . tf 3,645 337 210
Sugar. Soft . Cwt. 8,594 35573 42,709 24,456 58516 40,167
Sugar, Loaf . •• 24,496 43511
Tallow . 49 43 1 163 118 2
Tamarind 99 13,907 0,011 1 7.640 7509 7583
Tea . 99 6,504 11552 10,466 32,099 35,895 67,780
Tobacco . . 99 258 354 179 840 2.052 418
Wet Date* 38,094 65,7GO 66.786 13,491 17.908
Of 0,617