Page 445 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 445
Import of Principal Articles by Soiling Croft during tbc years 1920-21, 1921-22 and 1922-23
—con id.
Quantities Value
1920-21 1921.22 1922-23 1920-21 1921-22 1922-22
C t £
Arab Coast Value 5 29 S
’Iraq . 372 121 11
Persian Co»st 49G 230 124
Enamel ware—
’Iraq . W 7
Iub Dry—
Arab Coast 99 318 119 34
’Iraq . 99 13
Persian Coast 99 *08 28 90
Fi.l. Oil—
Arab Coast Cases 032 600 375 544 271 115
'Iraq . 15 10
Persian Coast 99 177 ISO
India 372 1,078 324 2,499 0*9 196
Other Porta 100 4,400 943 isS 2,379 6>8
Arab C«*st Cwt. 939 4,714 231 798 51
Persian Coast ft ' 2.250 7,218 292 2>7 112
India . « ft 2,338 508 1,337
Colicr Porta Cl 13 309
Furniture —
Arab Coast Value 40 10
'Iraq . 3GG 231 83
Persian Coast 5 1
India ft 101 27 13
Fruits (Fresb and Dry)—
Arab Coast 80 9G 41
’Iraq . ft 1,417 1.62G 476
Persian Coast _ . 99 1.2G4 2.612 2,903
1 ndia 19 13
Glass and Glassware—
Arab Coast 10 2
'Iraq - ft 15 9 4
Persian Coast . 32 32
Goats’ llair—
Arab C-vist . Cwt. 22 29
Persian Coast 99 10 5
Arab Coast Value 7 117
Persian Coast 53 3*-6
’Iraq . 85 39 330
India . • 99 10 5
’Iraq . • Cwt. 25 33
Persian Coast 99 2 2 4 1
India . • H 27 564 204 188 376 117
Gunny Bags—
Arab Coast • Value 3
’Iraq . 2
Persian Coast . 99 5
India . • 99 33
Ha ber d asbery—
Arab Coast ** 186 14 l
’Iraq. t* 94 916 20
Persian Coast . 205 3
India . • r» 1,644 148
Iraq . •t 85 U
India 99 191