Page 128 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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                        hitherto done. But should the king bo restored there fears are at an end as
                        the former rogoms obtained of him will be in force. They enclose an Indent
                        of sundrys still wanting to complete the Factory repairs. The work at present
                        is at a stand except the wharf which they are finishing. That the Persians
                        may not suspect the apprehensions they are under. They have opened a head
                        on their hooks of Bussorah troubles which shall be cleared by the additional Proposal  to ■«=
                        duty at Bussorah. If they oomo to an agreement with the Persians they will cSrnuSut0
                        6end Mt. Whitewell to Carmenia, otherwise it will bo bettor to doclino carryiug
                        on the Wool Investment than by doing it to give the Persians room to think
                        they are satisfied to remain in the kingdom without our privileges being
                        renewed. Mrr Geckie will take passage on one of the Galleys when they will
                       return M^Veaelst as the number of servants there without him will be

                                  PUBLIC DEPARTMENT DIARY No. 9 OP 1736-1786.
                                            Bombay Castle.  April 1786.
            Tbit of Mr. French   Received also a letter from the Agent and Council at Gombroon, dated the Letter from
            to Baghdad to                                                                Gombroon.
  i                    20th March, forwarded by the Prince of Wales Galley advising that
                       Mr. Waters having completed his enquiry into Mr. French’s conduct and fully
                       aoqnitted him of any fraud either in the Consulage or Sale of Cloth. They
                       enolo. Cops of Mr. Water’s letters to the Company on that occasion. That
                       Mr. French had been at Bagdat to complain to the Bashaw of the treatment
                       he had received from the Musseleem, whioh has been redressed and as such an
                       undertaking must be attended with a considerable expense they had allowed
                       Mr. French One hundred Tomands in part thereof directing him to charge it
                       to the head of Bussorah Customs since the traders in general will find the
                       benefit of this proceeding. The freight of the Galley from Bussorah for
                       Surat amounts to mamoodies eleven thousand six hundred and forty, and
                       sixteen goz, and they have laden on her Treasure and Wine to the amount of
                       Shahees one hundred ten thousand sixty seven & three goz. They designed to
                       have sent Capt. Harris & the other prisoners on this Vessel, but the Com­
                       mander intimating that he had some men whose principles he had reason to
                       suspeot, they resolved to detain them till another opportunity. The
                       Northumberland & 8arah Galley sailing up the Gulph and they not having
                       accounts of a peace being concluded protested against the Supra Cargoes, &
           Tamaip Khan
           aeeepta crown   if the 8evem (who they are advised is bound to Bussorah) touches there they
           under the title of
           Nadir Skah and  shall practice the like in regard to her. They have certain advices that
           Company's Thomas Oaun has accepted the Crown &is stiled Shaw Nadar; & they have
           the^tftoLOOO*P^ato information that all our privileges are enewed, * even the thousand
           toman* for   Tomands per annum, but if this is true it can be owing to nothing but their
                       promise of furnishing him with ships & he has actually given positive orders
                       to the Govt, of Shyrash & that place to furnish the agent with eight thousand
                       Tomands or One hundred & sixty thousand rupees to pay for them; The
                       Gentlemen say that as Thomas Caun is firmly bent upon increasing his fleet &
                       has accepted of this offer (which was only meant as an amusement) they
                      desire we will permit two or three ships to be sent, for they think a failure in
                       their engagements at this Juncture must put an end to their residence in that
                                    * See Appendix G for lbt of Rogome granted by Nadir Shah.
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