Page 131 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 131



                     PUBLIC DEPARTMENT DIARY No. 10 OP 1736-1787.
                            Bombay Castle, 25 February 1730-1737.

              Imported the Robert Galley Captain Waller Grant, from Gombroon, on  Letter from
          whom cnrae William Cockoll, Esqr., who brought us letter from the Agent
          and Council, dated the 8th, enclosing copy of their Advices to the Hon’ble
           Company Overland, dated the 28th January. They advise that the Jarae
           arrived there the 14th December, and sail’d the next day for Bussorah by
           whom they acquainted Mr. French that they bad adjusted his account with
           the Agency and as he had for sevoral years been at an expense for Doctor, Redaction of
           and been four years out of the money he advanced the Mahomed Bashaw to  customs At Basrah.
           get the Customs reduced, they permitted him for the first to charge two
           thousand oruz, and one per cent, per month on the latter in his next accounts,
           and to charge his own and Mr. Dorrils Diet and Salary at Ten Shahoes to the
           rupee. That by the Carolina who arrived from Bussorah the 27 th December
           and sail’d the 29th for Surat, they sent the Chief and Factors at Surat a chest
           of Treasure reoed. by her from Mr. French amounting to Shi- forty five
           thousand nine hundred and thirty four. That the Richmond Messrs. Sutcliff
           & Cuittendon from Bengali arrived there the 13th January, and sail’d the
           30th for Bussorah, by whom they gave the Hon. Company a full account
           of their transactions. That on receiving advices from Mr. Savage at Carmania
           that silver money was at one hundred per cent. Exchange, and desiring that*
           for part of the cloth they should send him he might be permitted to make
           returns in Abasses or Mamoodies, they found it wou’d not be proper to send
           up more woolen goods than he cou’d barter for copper and black Money Sales and purchases,
           as it wou’d be impossible for him to raise the price of the goods in any
           degree proportionable to the difference of the exchange and on old copper
           there wou’d arise a loss of the Carroy besides the difference of the price which
           at Carmania was twenty nine Shahees that maund, and none of the Merchants
           at Gombroon cou’d be prevailed on to purchase except the Broker unless they
           had sold to the Government who wou’d Lave obliged them to take silver
          money at fifty per cent. & at length they agreed to let him have four-fifths
          of it at the following prices reserving the other fifth to be sent to Carmania
          to be paid for either in Abasses at five Shahees, or Black Money or old
          Copper. Half in six months and half in twelve months' time, viz. .*—
                 Coarse Cloth                      . Twenty five Shahees per Gue.
                 Fine Drabs and fine Cloth one with another . Sixty three Shat. do.
                 Fine Medleys                     . Seventy five Shal   do.
                 Coarse and Middling Medleys      . Forty five Sha*-   do.
                 Perpet8 .                    .    . Two hundred twenty five ShaZ
                                                      per Guz. '
          And the winter which is the proper season for disposing of the woolen
           goods, being almost over rendering it necessary to get rid of the large parcel
           they had on hand as soon as they cou'd and there being again of upwards of
           Forty five thousand rupees on the sale they hope we will approve hereof
           They say the large balance due from him on dose of their last books is
          considerably reduced by his advancing Money for the Investment of Wooi.
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