Page 132 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 132
and they hope to remit us the whole amount of the parcel of Woolen Goods
now sold a? the same becomes duo. That Mr. Savage advises them some
Georgians were arrived at Carmauia with some cloth from Spahaun that come
A Ruuiftd factory by the way of Astracan whore some ltussia Merchants have lutoly established
Uen'pitblUhld a Factory witli the design to supply tbo Persian Market with all sorts of
at Aatrakan. Woolen Gooils, lie adds that the Carmania Market would not take off abovo
one thousand or Twelve hundred Tomnnds worth that season (which is loss
than they had reserv’d for it) and what is and may be imported from Muscovy
would then and always affect the price of that article. They enclose Shaw
Nadir shah Nadir’s answer to the President’s letter, and the Agent has rece’d several
EngShlVhi. from llim> wllureiu lie makes assurances of bis favour and protection, and
protection, and extremely pleas’d at our letting him have a ship, and 6ays when the
pleaded at onr _ , ,
lotting him have Beglerbeggv comes,
a «hip.
Affairs will be finish’d to our satisfaction, but lie desires the' Agent to
listen to his proposals, from whence the gentlemen soem to think ho wants
Nadir Shah
to«UtttheEuBl,Bb their assistance to his Fleet and Forces daily expected at Gombroon, to go
ttaMMkaTer*1 aoa^ns^ the Mnsoatters but sliould that be the case they will duly regard our
V! orders for refusing them. That the Agent’s ill-state of health having obliged
him to leave Gombroon the two last seasons he had been to a considerable
Expeuce for travelling charge, etc., while he was absent and as some of the
other gentlemen were with him and the disbursement of the Factory during
that time lessened thereby they had consented to his charging forty eight
thousand four hundred and fifty six Shahees and four Goz to the Hon’ble
Company’s account which they hope we will approve assuring us that it cost
him considerably more. That Mr. Cockell takes passage on the Robert
leaving the charge of the Agency to Mr. Gechie agreeable to our orders.
They send on the Robert the soldiers taken of the Rose and enclose a list of
necessaries for the use of the President’s Table amounting to Shahees
Fourteen hundred fifty one and two Goz.
Bombay Castle, May 1787.
AOOC from Gombroon.
ond Imported the Robert Captain Walter grant from Gombroon by whom we
rem received a letter from John Geekie, Esq., Agent, etc., & Council there dated
Coo the 26th April, owing the receipt of ours of the 13^ March and advising
the that the James called in there from Bussora the 19th of February sailed the
coat 21st for Surat. A French ship called the Herene commanded by MonsL
Beaumont arrived there from Bengali the 11th March who sent his boat
ashore to complain of Mr. Boisroll and treatment last year, and desiring to
know how he should he received. The Beglerbeggy sent a messenger on
board with many fair promise on which the Frenchman went ashore, but he
had not been paid the Money stopt last year from Boisroll and, which they
design to allow him out of the Customs (of four and a half per cent.) be had
agreed to pay on his cargo; of which be had then sold but little. Two Dutch
ships were arrived from Batavia, and one that oame last year returned thither.