Page 135 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 135
who accordingly foil in with Abdulla Shaik’s squadron, and on their firing ^ DaUjh aa#iat
nt them the Arabs run the Grab in Shoal Water which the Dutch might cer- ^ flhipi( but to
no purpose.
tftinly have retaken. But instead of that they drove by hor with the tide and
returned the 13£ September from this shamofull enterprize, without having
effected anything for the Persian Service. At which time was arrived at Gom-
hroou tlio new Admiral ordered from Shawoon Shan to assume the command of
t ho Floot who brought the gentlemen a letter from the late Beglerbeggy wherein
ho recommended him tho Derreah Boggy to their favour and added that His
Majesty wanted us to provide him another ship in the same manner tho Cowan
was & that they would keop vessels constantly in the Gulph for his service
according to agreement. Por the first the Admiral who had never seen a Ship
or the sea in his life was very pressing for them to effect immediately and made
several other propositions of the like easy nature, which were all evaded by their
referring him to the Dutch for Ships and lending him their salute guns with
iheir gunner and ColTree Soldiers for the Equipment of a Small Ketch he had
lying there and on which he obliged them to hoist our Colours. The 23rd
September this Ketch joined by two Dutch Ships a small Grab and about
Twenty Trankeys, under the Command of the New Admiral sailed on an
expedition against the Arabs with whom they had a small Skirmish at which
lhe Admiral was so terrified that he returned again the 12!^ October without
having done anything, being pursued as far as Cong by the Rehells.
These fruitless attempts have so dissatisfied the Persians that they have The English aid
now turned their expectations on us & even say that the very appearance of
our Grabs would intimidate them to a surrender. The Surdar or General of
the Hot Countries will by no means suffer the Dutch to send away their Ships
aitho* they have fed him very handsomely with presents. He has also rnuoh
insisted on the Fames being ordered from Bussorah in order to compose another
Fleet for himself to go in and chastize these people. Affairs being thus in
this perplexed situation the Gentlemen desire we will give them the requisite
Instructions for their Government. Especially as it is apprehended His
Majesty will issue some strange and severe orders on this accident reaching
his knowledge & hereupon desire we would re-establish their former garrison
with an officer in lieu of the sepoys, who are useless. The Arabs who were
at first divided have since reunited and the Imaum of Muscatt was preparing
to join them hut they are as averse to trusting him as they were the Persians
and it is reported their Designs was to seize an Island in the Gulph and consti
tute themselves a state Independent of him. From whence they intend to plun
der Gombroon. Shaw Nadir has subdued that part of Tartary which bordered
on Persia and taken their Cham or King Prisoner. Many strange alterations are !
threatened to be introduced on his return from thence, such as shaving his sub
jects beards and, changing their habit to that of the Turks. His aversion &
revenge still continue against Shaw Abbas’s Race. It is said the late Begler-
beggy has so far merited his favour as to become his Ahtamadoulet and have the
Liberty of setting in a Gold Chair of State according to the new mode. Notwith
standing the many troubles throughout this kingdom which might naturally be
presumed to have put a stop to trade, the Gentlemen assure us the demands
for Woollen Goods still continues owing in some measure to the Caravans from
Alleppo to Bussorah, being forbid their intercourse at which Port Mr. Dorrill
likewise advised them a small parcel may he disposed of to advantage. The
want therefore of this commodity put His Majesty upon the Expedient of
supplying his army with coats and caps wrought of Carmenia Wool, which so