Page 140 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 140

                           eight hundred (14,800) Rupees the other for six thousand (6,000) rupees
                           drawn on one Sultan David at Madrass as also an Invoice of Treasure laden
                           on the Jenny and had permitted Mr. Grondon to return on that ship
                           for the recovery of his health. By the last advices from Spahaun
                           they find it will he impossible to send more goods up country till a
                           renewal of their privileges are obtaiued, for the customers there had procured
                           an Order,for the payment of customs on what sent last year, which with diffi­
                           culty was staved off by tho help of a present to the Governour this with the
                           troubles every where in the Country bad induced them to put off tlicir design
                           of sending a parcel of cloth to Corrasoou, or indeed any where olso till tho
                           times are more settled and they see what turn tho King’s affairs are likely to
                           take. They had lately received from Hamadoon a rogom from tho King sent
                           by one Meer Ally Sultan directing them to assist in seizing Mahmud Toggy
                           Caun, which was accoinpanyed witli a Letter from the Sardar at Shyrash to
                           seize the Goveruour & Shawbunder and advising his haviug sent Meer Ally
                           Sultan and some forces but to do nothing without their advice, The Dutch
                           receiving a rogom and letter to the same purport immediately sent to Meer Ally
                            to come with his forces and he entered the town the 27tb at night with the
        t                  King’s Choppars, but instead of having the King’s Orders to seize the Gover­
                           nour and Shawbunder they brought rogoms confirming them in their Posts
                           the Shawbunder went out to receive his but the Governour not going for
                           sometime they sent about forty people to attack his house, when'the Dutoh
                           began Gring on bis House and Fort, and our Gentlemen finding the Dutoh
                           design was not to deliver him the King’s rogom but seize him according to the
                           Sardars which they had an equal to do they sent to him and he delivered him­
                           self up to them the agent has wrote the Sardar that as they would not deliver
                           him the King’s room they had seized him according to his Commands. In a
                           Postoript they advise their having sold Mr. Craddock some Dates and enclosed
                           his Bill for the amount being rupees two thousand one hundred and forty one
             (             two quarters and ten reas (2,141-2-10).
             i •


             i                             PUBLIC DEPARTMENT DIARY No. 17.
                               Imported theSallnmander Ketch William Browne Master from Gombroon.
       T        Gombroon, Letter
       *        Cram.          By her received a Letter from the agent and Council dated the 22nd July
                           acknowledging receipt of our’s by the Nancy Grab with a Packet enclosed for
       x     T
      Tt     ft            the Hon’ble Court of Directors which was  forwarded to Bussorah the 19th
      p                    June. That having received a Duplicated Letter from Messrs. Dorril and Graves
      u                    advising a warr being declared between England and France to give us early
                War between
                England and   notioe thereof they had got the Commander of the Salamand to proceed with
                France. Persian   these advices and enclosed copy of his Majesty’s Declaration. The French at
                demand (or cnatome
                at Ispahan.  Bussorah had no advices of the warr, nor at Aleppo when tho Messengers
                            oame from thence. That they had frequently urged the necessity of putting
                            the Hon’ble Company’s affairs on some footing with the Government to pre­
                            vent a stop being put to their affairs, as there were demands for arrears of
             i              Customs and in their last mentioned an order which tho Custom matters at
                            Spahaun had obtained for paying Customs on Goods sent there last year and
                            which Mr. Pierson with difficulty and a present to the Governour staved off
                            but they on a seoond application procured an order for the English and Duto
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