Page 145 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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          receive what iuay be due from them. That our orders relating to bills shall
          he duly regarded & tho bill for Rupees 1,500 which was protested at Surat
          they had ordered Messrs. Pierson & Blandy to recover with Interest, to whom
          they had seut copies of such Paras, of our advices as relate to their Factory,
          and they now send us oopios of those Gcntlcmon’s advices to them, and of the
          sovoral papers received therewith. That the Rosdt. of Spahaun had applyed to AppHflpUo
                                                                                   n for
          the King for a renewal of our privileges and had received a satisfactory renewal of prm-
         answer.  That they were so short of money before the Drake arrived as obligcu
         them to send 2,000 Mds. of Copper toBcrka for Sale, tho. they had not reed. ai.y
         advices from thence. That they had alter’d the Heads of Carmenia and
         Bussorah liesidoncys on their books agreeable to our Orders, & had ordered
         Mr. Grendon to procure what freight possible for the Drake but on no account
         ^o detain her above three days. That they had made no sales since their last
         tho. the merchants began to arrive in the town, the roads being now pretty
         clear. They now send one of -heir ten Md. weights & desire ten may be made
         with small once agreeable to the onclosed indent for stores whioh they desire
         may be complied with that M« Hope producing a Letter from Mr- Wiliiam
         Shaw empowering him to sell the late MrTr Ross’s Effects & he desiring a BilA
         for tho amount being Shahees 4,136*7, they had complyed therewith. They
         enclose their cash account, the balance being Shahees 62,458. That as the
         Dutch could not dispose of their cloth at Gombroon, but very small prices they
         propose sending it away to Batavia where it well sell to advantage & the
         Dutch Gentlemen arc of opinion they shall be withdrawn unless some alterations t^wUhdraJJ"
         happen for the better. That on the 17th Janry. two of their Topass Soldierlhe5r factory-
         went out of their Factory to the back of the Town to fight and one of them
         Laurence de Romade was killed by a Blow which his Adversary gave him with
         a stick, the attestation of several persons who viewed the Corps they enclosed &
         the prisoner named Francis Pereira they send on this Vessel. That some of
         their Topass soldiers being siokly and desirous of remaring they request we will
         send 12 others to their relief, & one of .the Heathcote’s people being entered as
         a soldier they had detained. That Rice being a very scarce article with them
         they request w*e will comply with that indent for 8,000 Mds. Coppar, whicli
         they stand in great need of for their Garrison. They daily except a new Govr.
         and they hear the Arab Expedition will be carried on the Beglerbeggy & Govr.
         from Shyrash being likewise expected. That the Drake arrived the 1st Instant
         from Bussorah with 39,956 Rupees of Pearl freight, manifest of which they
         enclosed. That they had stopped out of the Heathcote's Peoples pay one
         Shahee per Mensem on acct. Greenwich Hospital.
             Sailed a Merchant Grab belonging to this Island bound to the Port cf

               The Presideut and Council, Bombuy, to the Hon'ble Court of Directors for Affair-
                  of the United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East India.
         May it please your Honours.
            The foregoing is Duplicate of our last address under the 15th of March   <**
        transmitted overland via Grarid Cairo and this we dispatched to Gombroon by ud
        the Drako Sketch who will bring from thence what Copper and wool may
        in readiness then and in which we shall advise such materials—occurrences as
        have since happened.                                                              I
           3883 F. D.
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