Page 146 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 146

                         Having for some time past groat reason, to apprehend from the irregular
                     proceedings and tho ohicnning correspondence of MossrB. Pcerson and Blandy
                     at Spalin that your Honours will bo sufforors by such their conduct wo now
                     send suitablo directions to your Agent and Company to remark those Gent£
                     and make proper enquiry into the same; of which you will bo moro parti­
                     cularly informed from thorn.
                           i           •
                                                        May it please, oto.,
                                         Your most faithful & most obedt. & humble servants,
                                                          GEORGE SCOTT.
                                                          JNO. SEWELL.
                                                          THOS. DOR RILL.
                                                          WILLIAM WAKE.
                                                          ROBT. RANDON.
                                                         RICHD. SANDERSON.
                         Bombay Castle,
                         May 4th, 1748,
                         Via Fort St. D»rid.
                           President and Council, Bombay, to the Hon. Court of Directors for Affairs of tho
                              United Company of Merchants of England Trudiug to the East ludia.
                    Mat it please tour. Honours,
        Hi mbi rabjfct.  We addressed your Honour last under tho 26th May, by an overland
                    conveyance to Fort St. David; and this we transmit thither by His Majesty’s
                    Ship Winchester which has repaired and stopp’d her leaks here with recom­
                    mendation to the Presid. and Council there for being forwarded by the first sea
                    conveyance duplicates and triplicates of our several advices Honours with
                    Calculate of quick stock and a Papers as per list aocompany this, in which we
                    shall advise the most material occurrences that have happened since our
                    address per Portfield.
                        6. In our overland address of the 4th May last, we gave your honour a
                    brief aocount of the mismanagement of Messrs. Pierson and Blandy at Spahaun
                    ordering for further particulars to the Agent and Council at Gombroon whom
                    we ordered to make a strict enquiry into the same: But as the Drake’s voyage
                    thither by which vessels those orders were to have been sent, was laid aside for
                    reasons mentioned in our lost advices we herewith transmit for your Honour’s
                    observation a copy of our Consult® of the 26th April last relating to those
                          §                t                t
                                                             May it please, etc.,
                                                    Your most faithful & obedient servants,
                                                            JOHN SEWELL.
                                                            THOMAS DORRILL.
                                                            WILLIAM WAKE.
                                                            GEORGE 8COTT.
                       Bombay Cabtlb,
                       July 22nd, 1748;
                    per Wincheater Mao of War
                        Fid Port 8t. David.
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