Page 151 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 151

         where we have no other authority or power than to maintain the Hi Com­
         pany’s privileges agreeable to our Phirmaund, however, that at his request we       i
         caused his ship to be towed hither, as ho had no main mast, fow people and is
         now  in want of all kinds of stores.
             In consequence of what the Agent sometime since wroto the President, of
         its being Moolah Ally Shaw, the Persian Admirals advice, to detain what
         money was owing the Persians hero for goods they sold out of the two ships
         that came to his Port in April 1746 wo did secure to the amount of about
         twenty thousand Rupees, about half of which sum has been delivered back to
         Mabomct Beg to clear him of Surat, and for the use of bis ship, nor will the
         remainder be sufficient to maintain him and his followers and put the ship
         in a proper posture for proceeding to Gombroon at the next fair season, as
         she must be navigated by Officers and people hired here, as he has none. It
         will be needless for us to repeat to the Agent and Council how unjustly and to
         what great amount the Company have suffer'd, particularly from the late
         Nadir Shaw’s oppressions who dispatched these Persians hither, and altho* it Gombroon Agant
         would not be unjust to detain this ship in part satisfaction yet before weH(.qniini-th|t
         resolve on such a step it is agreed that we wait to be informed from them what ** dWeotad
                      .                                       .             to Hcanamt tha
         consequences might ensue therefrom to the Company s affairs under their Pre«idenoy what
         management, and it will be well if they could obtain a proper written authority on^toThTa^* *
         for our so doing of which due notice must be taken to them.        Cii.'a affairs
                                                                            bj detain!
                                                                            Mb ho i net "teg's
                                                                            ■•'ip io part
                                                                            ■atiifact® of ya.
                                                                            many Lottes
                                                                            Co. have
                                                                            ■oeUined bj tho
                                                                            Port? & if
                                                                            po-llble get a
                                                                            proper written
                                                                            authority for that
             On the Boecawen were sent the Agent and Council by mistake two Bales ft parp08e-
         of Aurora Cloth instead, of two of purple not grain which it is directed be sent bbUb, nlnUo^h*
         to them on the Brake Ketch, and if the two bales of Aurora’s are sold they fc*5J&taka to hi**1
         must credit this Presidency for the amount, but if they are not sold and JJJJJJJ®4 y®*1
         not sell for three and three quarters Rupees per yeard it will be better to
         have them returned to us on the Drake.
             The Agent and Council must likewise be directed to return the Brake Gombroon Agent *
         to us as soon as they can, putting on board her such Copper, eto., as they SoruTbe^hmka
         may have in warehouse, and also what treasure they have, reserving sufficient
         for their necessary expenses ; but in case the ballance of their cash should be Tie.surethej be™
         considerable and the Ilchester in readiness to sail, with the Drake, they
         must divide its amount equally on them otherwise consign the whole hither on J1" th“
         the Drake.                                                         on them and
                                                                            oonaign it to

                        PUBLIC DEPARTMENT DIARY No. 24—1761.
                          Bombay Cast lb, thk 2Sbd Fxbbua&y 1751.
            By the Shy bare from Muscat oame to hand an Original & Duplicate
         Letter from the Agent & Council at Gombroon, dated the 11 ultimo, Gombroon (Ln.
         acquainting us, that on the 23 Novt Ml- Danvers Graves arrived there***
         & that so soon as he was a little recovered from the Fatigues of the Journey R*aoUa«f#«*mlm*-
         they re-examined John Pierson agreeable to our orders, the two principal F!*r*0°
                                                                            who oocfaMM hia
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