Page 155 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 155


         longer ignorant what poor sort of people wo are, when put to the tryal  assur-
          ing him that if he was to exact the same Customs from them as he did from all
          tho Armenians it would never bo resented from hence. For these reasons he
          hopes that in futuro lie will keep up the dignity of a Persian Governour, and
          not to demean himself so far as to make them any more personal visits at the
          factory, but lie should defor saying further, until he arrived with tho Shipping Proposal to deuia
          when he would put him in a method to deal with them. That if wo would
          therefore prohibit all assistance being given to Mahomed Beg, and his people
         they were of opinion it would be a means of keeping the Persian Ships here,
         for that if they should arrive at Gombroon, Moola Ally Shaw’ would certainly
         put some evil scheme in practice against them. That they had been under
         some apprehensions from a strong party of Ballooch which came that way in
         quest of plunder, but after remaining some time considering what route they
         should take marched ofF by wTay of the hot waters without doing any further
         mischief than carrying off tho Cattle, belonging to the people therabouts.
         That the two eldest sons of Soliman Shaw, having escaped from Muscat had
         paid a visit to the Agent, and after a short conversation on the troubles in the
         country, they intimated how serviceable a large sum of money w’ould be in their
         present circumstances, but finding they could expcot nothing of that kind from
         them, took their leave seemingly well satisfied, and were gone to Bussorah to
         head forces which Mustafa Caun was raising for them in Turkey upon whose
         departure they made them a small present. That enclosed where their General
         Books for last year, calculate of Quick Stock, Invoice and Bill of Lading of
         the Mamoody, etc. Papers as per List of the Packet. That Mr. Robert went
         having commenced factor desired permission to take his seat at their Board.
         That agreeable to our permission, they had entertained Mr. George Forbes
         as Surgeon of that Factory and Mr. Samuel Wilsion, one of England’s
         midshipmen, they had ordered on shore, in the room of Daniel Sherman, who
         went away on the Drake. That Lieutenant Nicholas Wardman with his
         Detachment, returned by this Conveyance also Serjeant Maddox whom they
         had exchanged for Serjeant Hunt and Corporal Roberts for Corporal Oright who
         had received pay to the 1st December and Henry Thomson the European
         Gunsmith, who had been paid to the 1st instant. They request a drummer may
         be sent them by the next Conveyance. That the Subedar of the Bombay Tha detriment at
         sepoys being much out of order, they desire ho may be relieved and that all Qo“broon’
         their sepoys, who have families here, were desirous of returning from the dis­
         advantage they were under of receiving no pay, and that their allowance of
         provisions was not sufficient without it, and request we would send them
         single men in their room. That as their General Books could not be copied
         time enough to go by the Hector, they had sent calculate of Quick Stock over­
         land to the Hon’ble Company. That there had been still continued so many evil
         conjectures in regard to the Weights of that Factory that they beg we would,
         in consideration of the characters of all those that were concerned, order all
         kinds of Goods to be weighed by the English Hundred Weight, reckoning
         16 maunds Fabrez of 7^- to----- each      and to send them n compleat
         sett of Hundv! Quarters and Pounds with the clerk of the Markets Stamp
         upon them to prevent Disputes in future; That their Topasses having peti­
         tioned them about their pay, only receiving 4 Rupees per month whereas by the
         new  Regulations, those at Bombay received 6, which they desire our Orders
         about. That inclosed was an Account of the provision and Stores supplied the
         Mamoody during her stay there, also tneir Surgeons and Storekeepers Indents,
        which they desire may be complied with by the first Opportunity.
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