Page 157 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 157
Francis Wood, agout at Gombroon, to tho Ilon'blc Kicuaiid Bourohibb, Esq.,
President aud Govcruour, etc., Couucil on Bombay.
Hon’ule Sir & Sirs,
The Bombay Frigate imported here the 18th of May, when Captain
Bret tie delivcrod mo a Packet from your Honour, etc., inclosing a letter to
the Hon’ble Court of Directors, which was forwarded to Mr. Ellis the 20th of
that month under cover of a General Letter from hence, wherein I acquainted
them with every Tiling of Importance relating to this Settlement ; and by
he Drake Ketch which arrived here the 10th ultimo, I reevd. your Honour,
etc., command dated the dth of July, with the Packet inclosed, which shall
be transmitted by the first safe conveyance with particular advices concern
ing the Hon’ble Company’s Affairs in Peisia.
As there does not appear to me to be any extraordinary Necessity for
Detention of onlj
keepiug more thau one vessel here for the Security of the Hon’ble Company’sone v®bmI r«q<nwd-
effects, I have taken the opportunity of despatching the Rose Galley, in
Company with the Bombay Frigate, aud a small French ship, in hopes
that by a mutual Defence they may be able to resist Angria, or any other
Enemy that may chance to encounter them, and esteeming them (in this
situation) to be safe conveyances I have laden on board the Rose four chests
of Treasure each containing ten thousand Rupees, and the like upon the
Bombay Frigate, with four Bales of Carmenia Wool ; the whoel amounting
to Shahees, eight hundred and thirteen thousand, seven hundred and seventy
eight (813,778) as pr. Invoice aud Bills of Lading inclosed.
Upon removing tho Uon’ble Company’s cloth from the Rose Galley, in
order to tranship it on board the Drake, many of the Bales were found to
be extremely rotten, and the Package of all of them iu general very much
impaired, therefore to prevent any further Damage, I have ventured to take
them all on shore, judging it more advisable to risque them in the Factory
Warehouses than to let them remain on board Ship, where they are obliged
to bo unstow’d aud stow’d sometimes twice or thrice in a month to oome at
such particular Bales as are wanted for the Merchants, whioh not only
destroys the Package but is also a very great inconveniency.
I am sorry to acquaint your Honour, etc., with the large quantity of goods
Tho m&rkot dill
that still remains unsold out of the Hector and Prince Henryo’s cargoes ; but
on account of the troubles up country this market has of late been extremely
dull, and iu order to eucourage the merchants, I have hitherto suffered them
to take any colour or sortment of goods which they liked best, without
regard to giving out a proportion of each as customary, for which reason
I now inclose au indent of suoh Articles as are wanted, whioh I beg your
Honour, etc., will comply with pr. first Opportunity. In the month of
April last we supplied Bussorah Residency with sixty bales of cloth, and
sixty four bales of Perpets, which I hope will effectually put a stop to the
Dutch Trade in these Commodities between Aleppo and that place as wo gave