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they think will he a fine opportunity of exoouting tho proposal they made in
their last of seizing the Persian Fleet & settling at Bahrcen. That the ll*j!
December Mr. James Dnlrymple departed this life nover having recovered the
fatigues of his journov. That the Drake had exhausted all her stores & was
short of her full Compliment of men which they desire we will take into
consideration. That tho hallanco of their oash last Month was Shahees which
was all ready packed up in order to ship off on board the Drake as occasion
requires & they shall use all endeavours to prevent as little loss to tho
Hon’blo Company as possible.
Sunday, 21* Fely.—Sailod tho London Cap!r Will. Sedgwicke for the
Gulph of Mocho being conveyed to a proper offing by the Syren Man of
War & True Briton bound to Rajporo to procure a supply of Cattle for the
use of his Majesty’s Squadron.
Tuesday, 26*.—At a Consultation Present:
The H?- Rich. Bgtjkcuier, Esq., Preside & Gov.
The W. GEonGE Scott, Esq.
Will Sedgwicke .... Thomas Lane.
Cha?- Crommelin .... Hugh Symmon^.
Major Mackenzie indisposed.
Read and approved our last consultation.
Read the letter from the Agent. & Council at Gombroon, dated the 11‘i
ultimo as per abstract in the Diary uuder the 23!* Instant.
In respect to the Agent & Council’s request for our directions in regard to Ordenonthe
their future proceedings, the Board now takes into Consideration, the present
situation of their affairs, & after maturely weighing & deliberating on the
measures most proper to be pursued, resolved that a Letter be wrote to the
Agent & Council to the following purport as what appears most eligible for
their own security & the Company’s advantage & that the same be
sent by a Shy bar Express, which the Marine Paymaster is directed to get in
readiness as 8oon as possible.
First the Board presumes the Agent & Council will not be so indiscreet
as to abandon the H?r Company’s Factory at Gombroon till their Estate &
their own Lines are in danger, fo that in such case they will retire on board
the Shaftesbury with the most valuable of their Effects, & despatch the Drake
Ketch hither immediately with their Troasure, & advices of their proceedings,
after whioh they are to endeavour to come to some terms of accommodation
with the prevailing party for preserving the H£- Company’s Priviledges
& resettling themselves there again in quiet. But should they find it
impracticable to come to any agreement or to return to their Factory at
least till the Government becomes settled under one head, and have any good
encouragement to settle on any Island up the Gulph near Bunder, Bushire, or
Bunder Rique where they are sure there is water and provisions & the
inhabitants will pormit them to land & join with them for their mutual
defence. The Board is of opinion it will be most eligible to settle there, till
the Troubles in the Kingdom of Persia are subsided. But in the meantime
they must use their endeavours to dispose of the Woollen, &c., Goods they have
on hand, at the seyoral ports up the Gulph, even should they he. obliged to go
up to Bussorah for that purpose, for sending them hither will only put the
H- Company to the expence of carrg. them back again as they are proper for
that market oulv. That, however, in case of their leaving Gombroon the