Page 160 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 160
Having mentioned evory thing of importance that I can at present
recollect, I shall hero conclude with great Respect.
Hon’dle sir and sirs,
Your most faithfully, and
most obedient servant,
The 17th September 1762.
Franois Wood, agent at Gombroon to the Hon’ble Court of Directors & Co.
May it please yodr honoub.
In regard to what we wrote to your honours under the 31st of December
Bitw*n trade.
last concerning the Russian Trade in broad cloth, &c., Europe Commodities
upon the borders of Persia and Tartary; I am in great Hopes that their Scheme
has proved disadvantageous, os upon a strict enquiry (which I made) of
several persons lately arrived from Mushat and Spahaun, I could learne no
other News of these Adventurers than that they have brought only and Vessel
to Rahst since Captain Elton’s death (which happened near three years ago,)
and sold their goods on board Ship for ready money, not daring to trust either
themselves or Effects on shore; but I have not been able to get Intelligence
of what particular Species their Cargoes consisted, which I will endeavour
to learno (in case they prooeed any further) and advise your Honours pr. first
Opportunity, it being a Matter of considerable Importance to affairs here.
On account of the great Scarcity of Goats in the Carmenia Villages
CArmani* wool.
I have not been able as yet to procure any more Wool than what I have
already said has been laden on board the Bombay Frigate; but yesterday
evening I reced a Letter from Carmenia advis*. me of four hundrod Tabreeze
maunds being ready to sond down p\ first Caphila, and your honours may
be assured of my utmost Endeavour to compleat the quantity ordered pr. Prince
Henry with all possible expedition.
I have carefully perused every Thing that has been wrote from hence
DkadranUgea of
withdrawing from (both to yr. honours, and to the Governour and Council of Bombay) upon the
Subject of removing from Gombroon, and have maturely considered the Advan
tages which according to our Conjectures would prooeed from such a Step
but find many weighty Objections that may be made thereto, and the Benefit
expected from our having possession of one of the Persian Islands are in general
very precarious, and not all adequate to the Certainty of breaking Friendship
or perhaps of maintaining a War with the I’ersians, on whom the sale of our
Woollen Goods entirely depends; and the Dutch (who still keep a resident
here and have Thoughts of resettling their Factory in it’s former Credit,)
would not fail to aggravate them against us from the fix’t jealousy that they
have of our Success. In Regard to your Honours’ Effects, or Servants falling
into the hands of the Shores, &c., Freebooters, the danger of it is now nothing
like so great as it was, the Shows being all returned to their former habitation
in the mountains, excepting a few who are entertained at Spahaun in Jshmael
Shaw’s Service* and the Hot Countries being kept under pretty good subjection
by Nasseir Caun, so that while we have a Factory close to the sea-side with