Page 164 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 164

                    bo better not to rofuso that offer for fear of losing the whole, Mr. Wood
                    consontod and the five guns which woro then on board the Drake tlioy had
                    included in her Invoice as also 997J Maunds of old copper, consigned to us
                    upon the Honourable Company’s .Risque and account. That by the latest
                    advices from up-country they learnt that the Offgoons were making great
                    preparations at Candahar to invado that kingdom (Ahmad Shaw their Genera]
                    being resolved if possible to possess himself of the Throne of Persia) and in
                    tho month of March last ho sont a Vackoel to Carmonia to demand a large
                    sum of money threatening utterly to destroy that city with all the inhabitants
                    in caso of their non-compliance at that time they were relieved from tho appre­
                    hensions they woro under on that account affairs of Conscquonco having since
        Stale of Poreia.  that time drawn most of his forces towards Muscat, where Meer Allcm Caun
        murdered. Karim and Jaffor Caun had murthered Sharrook Shaw and thereby got possession of
                    immense Riches with which it was to be feared they would provo very trouble­
                   some if Ahmet Shaw did not Occasion some sudden alteration in their Affairs
                   as they could have no just Pretension to set up for themselves being
                   of mean Pedigree and formerly Domostiok servants to the King tho’
                   it was not certain whether Ahmet Shaw was really going against those
                   Cauns or not, and it was much to be feared if he would succeed in case he
                   was to go upon that conditions as his soldiers in general were led into Persia
                   (where they had little or no hopes of Plunder) quite contrary to their
                   inclinations, and many of his principal Officers lately entered into a conspiracy
                   against his life which being discovered (tho* many hours before it was
                   to be executed) the said officers were immediately put to death and orders
                   dispatched with all expedition to Candahar to seize many others who were
                   concerned with them in the affair, which had occasioned great confusion in his
                   Army as well as among the great men who held the Government in his
                   absence. That Careen Caun some months past marched from Spahaun with
                   about 10,000 soldiers against several Tribes of Cadjars, who having united
                   were become exceedingly powerful in those parts but being jealous of those
                   unto whom he must commit the charge of the city until his return he
                   carried Ishmael Shaw with him who was unfortunately taken Prisoner by
                   a Strong Party of the Enemy who lay’d in Ambascade at the Entrance
                   of a narrow pass in the Mountains and fell upon him after the greatest
                   part of the Army had entered the Passage. He Still remained in their hand
                   at Mazandroon where he was then almost forgotten and Careen Caun
                   with about 500 of his soldiers whom bo still kept in pay being afraid to
                   return to Spabaun supported himself in the Countries thereabout by rapin
                   and plunder. That Shaw Sultan Hossein who it was thought would have been
                   established on the throne by the Turks as then had made little or no advance­
                   ment towards bringing the kingdom under subjection, tho’ on accouut of
                   bis being the lawful heir to the crown, most of the Persians were inclined
                   to favour his party and would be well satisfied to see him quietly soated in
                   the Government, but thro’ want of true Loyalty or the fear of being called
                   to an account for the revenues of the countries under their command, none
                   of the Great Men chose to lend him any assistance, so that it would be iu
                   all probability many years before that country came to bo sottled, tho’
                   when things were brought to the worst, there was almost some hopes left of
                   their changing for the better and at that time they really 6ecmed to be reduced
                   to as Iowan ebbe as possible but there was no judging bow long they might
                  be before they rose, they beg’d leave to assure us that that country was in
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