Page 167 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 167
and deliver ovor to tho William Sliaw the charge of the Hon’ble Company’s
Affairs there.
Francis Wood, to tho Hon'ble Court of Direotors, etc.
May it please your Honours—
* o
Tho 21st Ultimo a Dutch 8hip, called the fortune put into this Port to KeSdent’
wait the arrival of Mynheer Kniphausen late Resident at Bussorah, who at Basrah^
was expected front Batavia with one large and two small Ships of War, in Gombroon. His
order to establish a now settlement up the Gulph either at Bundereek or some JJjJjJJ®future
of the Islands, tho 6th Instant a very large Vessel named the Gotrouwt appeared
in the offing with Mynheer Kniphausen on board who upon coming into the
Road hoisted a Broad Pendant at the Mast Head and fired fifteen Guns, they
remained here taking in Provisions, etc., till the 11th Instant and then Sailed
for Busshier, (according to tho report which tho Dutch have spread abroad) but
it’s thought they have Hostile Intentions either against Bussorah or the Island
Bahreen, as both these Ships are filled with Men, ammunition and Timber, also
the other two small ones abovementioned, which parted Company with the
Getrouwt on their Passage are laden with Warlike Stores, and passed by this
Port a few Days ago in order to join them, so that they have no less than five
ships (including that which arrived here the 14th June) to act in their present
Expedition, if it should be against Bahreen their success at this time is hardly
to be doubted, the Hooly Arabs being unable to make any considerable Resis’
tance as they are already engaged in a War with Nasseir Caun ; and in Discord
also among themselves. But Mr. Shaw at Bussorah will be able to give your
Honours a more ample account of this affair, as his situation is much nearer
the scene of action than ours.
27 th October 1753..
Bombay Castle, 21st December 1753.
Per the guardian received a letter from Agent and Council at Gombroon
acquainting us that the 19th Instant they received our Commands P. Swallow ®°^roon*lettar
and inclosed us duplicate of their last address per Bose Galley that they were Reason for deten
tion o! the Guar-
concerned they had incurred our displeasure by detaining the Guardian there dian at
longer than the limited time and they should not pretend to vindicate them
selves in regard thereto but should make it their chief eat care in future strictly
to obey all such commands as we might be pleased to lay upon them. That
they had been as expeditious as possible in dispatching the Guardian and the
detachment which were sent them by the Swallow were all entertained at that
Settlement in their several capacities and they returned us by the Guardian one
Sergeant, one Corporal, 23 Topass Soldiers and Indian carpenter, an Armourer
and a Drummer, they had all received their pay to the last of that month
excepting those mentioned in the inclosed list and provision for one month and
a half that as tho Salisbury brought them a supply of 2040 pieces of Perpets