Page 166 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 166
9th Juno thoroforo they requested wo would supply thorn with another capable
servant in his stead. That wo having been pleased to permit Mr. Francis
Wood to return to Bombay ho bog’d likowiso to present us his sincorest Thanks
for tho same and should tako tho first convenient opportunity of leaving Gom
broon. That Mr. William Shato arrived thoro by tho Guardian to suooood
William Shaw
ancceeda Ellii at Mr. Brabazon Ellis in tho Residency of Bussorah but tho timo to expect any
Burak. English Vessel bound up tho Gulph being passed they had obtained a passage
for him on a Dutch ship which was to sail for Bushiro in a few days when they
should givo him proper instructions for his guidanoo and dircot Mr. Ellis to
deliver tho chargo of the Hon’ble Company’s affairs to him so soon as a
convenient opportunity should offer for returning to the Presidency. That two
officers and 10 Sepoys camo upon the Judith Ketch by which Vessel they had
returned two officers and only 8 8epoys five of their old Dotachment being
Dead. The Defence Ketch with those we designed them by her they had^lost
all hopes of seeing till next season as there was then no news at all of that
vessel. That they had then in garrison one Sergeant, one Corporal, Twenty four
Topass Soldiers and Twenty-two Bombay Sepoys. Ensign B unage Diod of a fever
the 11th of November and the soldiers who had continued at that Place for several
years having dosirod Permission to return to their families at Bombay they re
quested that we would send them.that Number by the first Conveyance to relieve
them with an officer also to supply the place of Ensign Bunage and asitbeir gunner
was so much addicted to liquor, that for some time they had been obliged to
entrust another person in the charge of his post a sober capable person was
muoh wanted to keep their stores etc., in Order. Their carpenter also who was
a Oentoo, and had a family on B’bay having suffered muoh by sickness was
rendered almost incapable of service and therefore beg’d to be relieved. That we
would receive from Captain Kerr one large hulee of diamonds marked A. R.,
belonging to a Zezd. Merchant named Aga Rizan who took his passage on
the Drakey it was valued at above a Lack of Rupees, was sealed with Mb own as
well as the Hon’ble Company’s seal, and was taken in security for Broad
Cloth sold him to the amount of 24,500 Rupees for which his bond No. 7 was
inclosed. That at the time when the above goods were delivered him he
promised to pay for them in four or five days at farthest and gave the above
Diamonds into their hands, being then in expectation of receiving upward of
30,000 Rupees for pearl sold to the Dutch Chief who contrary to the agreement
obliged him to tako goods instead of ready money and as he was not able to
dispose of his Diamonds upon any other conditions they had prevailed on him
to go on that Vessel to Bombay with a promise that they would be delivered
by us on his discharging the aforesaid. And as the Risk was no greater in the
present case than if that Transaction had been concluded there, and the Remit
tance made in money, they hoped we would not disapprove of it. That their
gunner proceeded on that Vessel and had received his pay to the 31st May.
They sent ua two setts of the General Books for last year, etc. Papers as Per List
of the Packet enoloscd. By the Neptune received a short letter from Mr. Ellis
at Bussorah acknowledging reoeipt of ours of the 12th November and 31st
December P Neptune Snow on the 28th past and had duly received the
Broad cloth and perpets consigned him from us by her and advised that our
Packet to the Hon’ble Court of Directors when forward the 5th May by a
Messenger express on the Occasion and requested Ms Majesty’s Counsul at
Allepo to give it the quiokest Dispatch from thence after reaching his hands.
That Pursuant to our Orders he would return to the Presidency on tho Rose