Page 170 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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                        and Ismael 8haw continued in the hands of the Cadjars so that the prospect
                        of peace seemed to bo at as groat a distanco then as it had been for mauy
                        years that they inclosed us a calculate of their Quick Stock to that Day that
                        Mr. Ellis took passage on the Bose having delivered the charge of Bussorali
                        Residency to Mr. Shaw, he had roceivod his salary and Diet to tho 21st August.

                                    Public Department, Diary No. 27 of 1754, pages 202—294.
                                           Bombay Castle, 17th October 1754.

                           That Moolcy Ally Shan being in fear of Nassier Caun had taken posses-
            Qombrooo, letter
            from.       6ion of Ormus Castle, but continued at Gombroon with one Persian ship and
            Malla All Shaw
           •eizea Ormus. The  had another at Ormu9 apprehending he would embark on the former iu case
            ■ituation in Persia. ^e Caun onme there. That the Hoolah Arabs having defeated Nassiers Caun’s
                       Forces several times he had bet-n obliged to make peace with them. I hat
                       Shawrook Caun, Governor of Carmenia, had been assisted with a body of troops
                        from Nassier Caun against the former Governor and is an interview had
                       solemnly promised serving him to the utmost. However Shawrook’s enemies
                       offering large sums of money, Nassier Caun had invited the former to a banquet
                       and confined him prisoner, besieging Carmenia immediately after. But
                       Shawrook C aun escaping into the city had obliged him to raise it; Nassier
                       Caun laid waste all the country to Coroon and was then watching the motions
                       of Azad Caun at Shyrash, and to prevent bis making their province the seat
                       of war, had sent him a large present. That by advices of 1st instant from
                       Carmenia the principal men were set out with large presents for Azad Caun at
                       Shyrash, and that Rustum Fangel Baumy, and Mahomet Baza Caun, were
                       constantly plundering round Carmenia. That Azad Caun took possession of
                       Spahaun the 10th September aud immediately levied insuportable taxes on all
                       the inhabitants there and at Iulpha, and committed great cruelties, had near
                       ruined Tezd massacred great numbers at Colbar &. Ardaooun, and they were
                       advised, he next designed pursuing Careem Caun to Cozaroon and return to
                       Spahaun which they hoped would prevent his coming near them. That
                       Careem Caun had often been defeated by Azad Caun, but determined to
                       make another effort, and had wrote Shaw Sultan Hossein, that if he would
                       put Ally Mardan Caun to death he and several other leading men would serve
                       him all in their power whioh Ally Mardan Caun being advised of, had, it
                       was reported, put out the eyes of 8haw Sultan Hossein. However Careem
                       Caun had destroyed Ally Mardan Caun and seized his treasures which were
                       considerable since when many powerful men had joined him defeated one of
                       Azad Caun's generate, and designed to march to Spahaun. That Ahmud Shaw,
                       the Offgoon King, had taken Hiraut and become mastor of the whole
                       Corassoon country, Mushad had likewise submitted to him and he had taken
                       the route for Spahaun. Having found an immense treasure at Ioun he
                      sent to Candahar. He pointed several Governours and Nassier Caun
                      Beglerbegg of the hot Countries. That Hossein Caun had coined money
          TTniphaoion  at Mezandroon, in the name of Ismael Shaw. * That Mynheer Kniphausen
          •ottlw »t   had proceeded to Carack*, and by large presents to the late Meer Nassier
                      had been assisted in settling there and finishing a regular fort of four
                         •Account* of tho occupation of Karsk bj tbe Dutch will bo found in Ioe'e Voyage from England to 7noia
                       page* 207—260 Niebuhr’* Voyage en Arabic (translation in Piukerlon’* Vol., »nd Description do l Arabs
                      Heron • translation, VoL II, Cliap. VII.)
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