Page 172 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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                        Bunderrieck, which is the Chief reason of your being employed there. In
                        order therefore ho careful to make yourself well acquainted with the sortments,
                        that are most proper for that market and frame your indents to Gombroon
                            31'.—Largo sales, though at a moderate profit will always meet with
                        the Hon'blo Company’s approbation, you are therefore to take all proper
                        methods to hinder the merchants from dealing in French or any other
                        Foreign Woolon Manufacture, and likewise- to discourage tho Aleppo
                        Adventurers from dealing in these Commodities as much as possible.
                           41*,—No consideration whatever, will be deemed sufficient to warrant your
                       lending goods or money to the Government upon tho Hon’ble Company’s
                       account, and all your bargains with the merchants must bo for ready money
                       only, receiving the amount of the goods before they are delivered. Hereby
                       all bad Debts and disputes will be effectually prevented.
                           6'7.—Embrace all opportunities of advising the Agent and Council at
                       Gombroon, with the state of affairs under your direction, transmitting an
                       account of your sales, remains in Warehouse, and Ballauce of cash, by every
                       Conveyance, you must avoid keeping any quantity of money by you, but
                       embraoe every good opportunity that offers for conveying it to Gombroon.
                           6ly.—As it will be for the Hon’ble Company’s Credit and Honour, and
                       a means of alleviating their expenoes, to collect customs at Bunderrieck, you
                       must ensist on this Priviledge from the Shaik or Governour, and we hereby
                       empower you to levy a duty upon all Imports and Exports by People trading
                       under the Hon'ble Company’s Protection, in the same manner.   As at
                       Gombroon, of which a particular account must be annually sent thither
                       agreeable to the practice of the Resident at Bussorah.
                          . 7,J.—Upon your arrival at Bunderrieok the Purpose of your coming must
                       be notified to the Shaik or Governour, in the plaiuest and openest manner
                       that no disputes may arise hereafter through misunderstanding, and all
                       Controversy whether with the Government or Dutch, who have now a great
                       Influence in the Gulpb, must be carefully avoided, and as we do not at present
                       think it necessary or advisable that the Hon’ble Company should have any
                       Dead Stock at this place, you are to hire one of the most commodious Houses
                       in the Town unto which may be added suoh conveniences of repairs as in
                       moderation may appear requisite, so that the Hon’ble Company’s goods and
                       servants may have a safe and proper lodging.
                                           We wish you success in this undertaking and are
                                                     Your Loving Friends,
                                                         RICHARD BOTTROHIER.
                                                         HUGH SYMMONS.
                                                         WILLIAM SEDGW1CKE.
                                                         THOMAS BYFELD.
                                                         BRABAZON ELLIS.
                                                         WILLIAM HORNBY.
                                                         WILLIAM ANDREW PRICE.
                                                         JOHN SPENCER.
                             Bombay Castlb;
                            ISih October 1764.
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