Page 176 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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advantagious Settlement for the vend of British Manufactures, and ho says
he docs uot doubt of its answering in tho end tho* he fears it will be some
time first, aflor Meer Hossan’s departure for Shy rash the Arabs were so
insolent that Mr. Wood was oblig’d to leave the place and proceed to Bussorah
wore ho stayed till July and as Meer Ilossain was not returned from Shyrash
ho went to Busshire where he proposed staying until Meor Ilossain might
oome hack and roassume tho Government, but his having obtained a rogom
from Carem Caun for settling a Factory at Bunderick ho proceeded thither
the 9th September and by his letter of 23rd of tho same month ho acquaints
us that his arrival gave the Inhabitants much Satisfaction, but that he had
not been a sufficient time to make his arrival know to the Inland Merchants.
He bas Indented to us for eighty Bales of broad Cloth and seventy of Perpets,
which we acquainted our Suporiors of desiring they would supply him, as
we had not the sortments in Ware house and they have acquainted us it was
not in their power to comply therewith till tho arrival of tho Edgecote and
Houghton from England when we might bo assured of their doing it by the
first proper Conveyance as nearly as they were able.
We beg leave to assure your Honours that since Mr. Knipliauson’s arrival
in the Gulph we have kept a watchful Eye on his proceedings to prevent
any encroachments on your Honour’s priviledges in this Kingdom, and should
he have any designs that way we hope it will be in our power to prevent him.
As the Resident at Bussorah from his near Situation to Carack is able to give
Your Honours a perfect account of the proceedings of the Dutch we have
constantly directed him to be very full on that head and hope lie has from time
to time not omitted it.
Nothing further occurring at present, We beg leave to subscribe our
selves with great deference and respect.
May it please your honours,
Your most faithful and
most obedient humble Servants,
2nd December 175o.
Public Department Diary No. 29 of 176C, pp. 128-180.
Bombay Castle, 9th March 17h6.
Imported our Hon’ble Master’s Ship Houghton Captain Richard
Letters from. Walpole, from Gombroon by whom We received advices from the Agent and
andtheicardtjof Council there bearing Date the 24th Ultimo, and owning the receipt of our
Inland merchant*.
commands of the 10th October, since their last address Warren likewise those
of the 12th December & 3rd Jany. They then mentioned the arrival of
Shipping at their Port. That they had informed on enquiry the sale of Imboss
Cloths in carpets would no ways answer at their markets, and had advised the
Hon’ble Company accordingly. That they had directed Mossrs. Wood &
8haw to inform them what Vend they pvomised at their places and the former