Page 178 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 178

                     wo enjoined the Compliance with our orders as often as possible. That we wero
                     informed they refused accepting a sum tendered by Capt. Baillio, on account
                     Mr. Seeker’s estate & giving him bills, thp' at the same time they in­
         fifttlifaotloD  formed us our directions on that head shou’d bo observed and they owned
         SuSSog Vogom°d “thomselvcs in want of silver Rupees to advance for tko Wool investment. Wo
         for factor? at
         Bandar Big.  mentioned our satisfaction at Mr. Wood’s having obtained a rogom from Caroem
                     Caun for settling at Bundcreck and the reception ho mot with there. Wo re­
                     commended to them to regulate with the strictest frugality his expcnces and as
                     the sum charged for his passage was exorbitant, they must enquire into tho
                     circumstances that occasioned it, and it tho account prove satisfactory, discharge
                     it, that we must await further information from them before wo cou'd form any
                     judgement relative to Mr. Shaw. That we shou’d by tho conveyance comply
                     with their indents, We advised in regard to Jacques Charles Hermet, agreeable to
                     Consultation of the 23rd ultimo and directed them to forward the accompanying
                     packet to the Hon’blo the Court of Directors, likewise to advice thorn of
                     everything material as well relative to Mr. Shaw, as tho Dutch re-establishing
                     their factory at Bussopah. Despatched per boat a letter to the Chief at Fort
                     Victoria, advising our then complying with his sevl. indents, but desired he
                     would in future give us earlier notice, in regard to the provisions, as a boat was
                     not always immediately procurable.

                     From—Fb&ncis Wood, Resident at Bunderick, to Albxander Douglas, Agent & Council at
                     Right Worshipful Sir & Sirs;
                         Conformable to your W° &c»_, permission I have began to build a bouse
                     for the Hon'ble Company’s servants at this place, and shall be particularly
                     earefull regarding the expence as well as the Compleatness of the work,
                     tho* by means of the Dutch who employ all the poor people they can get
                     in Constructing Hummums, Houses, and Carravanseroys at barrack, I find a
                     good deal of difficulty in getting Labourer but when the reapers return from
                     the Harvest I hope soon to finish the Business, of which your W® &C* shall
                     be timely advised, and as the present troubles in the Country render tho place
                     very unsafe. I beg your Wo, &ct won’t think of making me any Consign­
                     ments till I am in a better Capaoity of defending them.
                         The 2% of March I forwarded your packet (which came by the
                     Commander of the Ally Racky Grab) to Bussorah under the care of Mi: Roger
                     Shaw, and that sent by the shotter accompanying your commands of the 7£
                     March shall be entrusted to Francis Walker, who proceeds to Bussorah the
                     6^ Instant with the most valuable of my Effects which I don’t ohuse to risk
                     in Bunderick till the Commotions among the neighbouring powers are in some
                     measure subsided and mercantile affairs also bear a better aspect.
                         I advised your W®. & c® by the Prince Edward that I shortly proposed
                     spending a few days with the Dutch at barrack, to enable me to speak with
                     more certainty regarding their affairs, in pursuance of which resolution I went
                    over there upon the Neptune Gall’y the 6^ ultimo and did not return till the
                     15*Ji after making the f ollowing remarks which for the sake of brevity I shall
                     here lay before your W®. &c* without. Confining myself to the liuency of an
                     exact Connexion.

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