Page 180 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 180
Tho Ship Houstendina is certainly intended to be broken up, tho*
Mynheer pretends not to have come to any such resolution, the Sails,
Topmasts, yards, aud running rigging are all taken ashore, and the Commander
himself told that ho and his officers were to return to Batavia upou tho Ship
Tho T. Loo Sloop of Ten Carriage aud six Swivel Guns, tho Dragon
Gallivat mounting six tlirco pounders and four Swivels, with throe new
trankey's are all tho marine Force that properly belongs to the Island, and I
have done all in my power to learn whither the Dutch really intend to take
Possession of Bahreon or not, but can get no intelligence to be depended upon,
if they have any such scheme in their heads they are very secret, and will not
put it in execution I believe, till tho Chinese are well settled at barrack.
Inclosed is a plan of barrack Fort, which I- had leisure and opportunity
of taking to tho greatest exactness, as I lodged in it the whole time I stay’d
upon tho Island, they don’t iutend to have any wall round the Town, but
instead of it a Deep Toss, with draw Bridges, capable of receiving and proving
a safe Harbour for the Gallivats and Trankey’s. This Mynheer Knipsausen
himself told me, he had orders to make, and computed the expence of it would
amount to about five & forty thousand Rupees.
'War* in Feral*. Hassain Caun Cadjar having driven Ahmed Shaw Ogwan from the
province of Mezandroon and Casbin pursued him several days Journey towards
Musshad, but receiving advise of Carem Caun Zand’s being in possession of
Spahaun he immediatly returned, fearing the King, who lay encamped with
part of the army between Gelaun and Tauris, might also fall into his Hands.
The 20* of March two of his Choppars reached Spahaun with letters advising
Carem Caun Zand to evacuate that City and return again to Shyrash, where,
provided he would acknowledge Ishmael Shaw for his lawful Soverign and do
his endeavours in Conjunction with him to settle the Kingdom, he should be
establish’d Begler beggy of the hot Countries, but if be refus’d, no favour
should be shewn to him or any of his adherents, which Terms being made
publick all the Arabs in general and the people of Destastoon (not thro* Loyalty
but fear) declared for Ishmael Shaw, and Carem Caun Zand finding himself
thus deserted by the only people he depended upon, left the City with about
eight hundred veteran Soldiers as soon as Hassain Caun Cadjar’s advance
guards approached the Village of Harrand, which was on the 27{£ March, and
the 10£ last month he arrived at Shyrash, where he is now preparing to
invade Dastastoon and the Countries adjacent in revenge for the peoples
Treachery, but holds his Hand for the present to see what turn affairs may
take at Spahaun. The 1* April Hassain Caun Cadjar entered Spahaun and
was so far from treating the Arabs as they expeoted, that he suffered his
soldiers to strip and plunder them of all they had, Shaik Nassier of Busshier
remains in prison, the Caun having insisted on his rendering an account of the
Kings 8hips and paying also 5,000 Tomaunds for the last three years’ revenues
of Bahreen, but Meer Hossain and his Brother Manna in Consideration of their
known poverty were permitted to return, which Journey they perform’d on
foot in Company with Kiad Kydar (Shaik of the Coast between this place and
Cape Dillom) and a vast number of the Busshier people, they arrived here the
20* ultimo, when being quite bare of provisions, Cloaths and money I was
oblig’d to make them a present Consisting chiefly of Rice and piece goods to
the amount of near three hundred and sixty (300) Rupees, which I assure your