Page 185 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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        that market and had also per same conveyance Complied with the .Resident
        at Bundereek bis indent for woolen goods & tin, both which Mr. Wood had on
        aocot. the troublos at Bundereek consigned to Bussorah. That their
        Cnrmonia Linguist had to that time beon advanced to 62,507, Shahees, from
        whom the Agent learnt that the Dutch Vakeel at Carmenia, had promised to
        give ten Shahees per Md. more than him, which would inhance the price and
        convince the Persians that Article was much wanted in Europe. That the
        Resident at Bundoroek advised that the Dutch had imported great quantities
        of all sorts of goods at Carrack but that their woolen goods wore improper for
        the market, except some nedicys which were well chosen. That the troubles
        in Persia continued, another competitor for the Empire having started up>
        alledging himself the son of Shaw Thomas. That the Resident at Bundereek
        had communioated some observations he had made when at Carrack on that
        settlement, and the Dutch Government, &ca., the particulars of which ho
        related. That the Dutch gave out, that they had teen invited to resettle Jpwktjon to the
        at Bussorah, hut on the Mussoleem s being turned out #*• expecting to at Basrah.
        meet xoith some difficulty they had declined it. They enclosed a plan of
        Carrack Eort, taken by Mr. Wood during his stay there also copy of a letter
        from him advising the state of affairs in Bundereek and hi3 apprehensions from
        the Dutch on which he as he requested our directions, and the Agent gave it
        as his opinion that had there been a possibility of handing his consignment of
        tin, &o., there, advantageous sales wou’d have been made. That the sum
        offered by Captain Baillie was very small and mostly in gold, which occasioned
        their refusal of it, not thinking it worth while to beat the charge of sending
        such a trifle to Carmenia. That, the reason of their not making Jacques
        Charles Hermit an allowance, was our judging the account charges of being
        his family from Spahaun very exorbitant, which made them dubious of what
        sum we meant shou’d be given him. That since the troubles in Persia, many
        families had been brought from Spahaun & the expences very great, but as
        in all probability the Agent wou’d want money for other services, he
        requested we would make him an allowance here.   That on inspecting
        the Resident at Bussorah’s Lre’s—to the Ho. Co.  It was observed he
        had under the 27th July 1755 (copy of which Letter was enolosed)
        wrote them Mr. Wood had express fears of meeting with little success at
        Bundereek & tho preference that shou’d in his opinion be given to a settle-
        ment at Bushire which was absolutely contrary to what Mr. Wood had wroth
        to Gombroon a few days after on which accot. orders had been sent to both
        Resident’s to assign their reasons for said intimations to the Company, that
        Mr. Wood had given his answer in the last paragraph of his Letter under the
        29th June last (as per copy enclosed) and when Mr. Shaw’s answer arrived it
        should bo forwarded for our inspection. Enclosed were sundry papers received
        from Mr. Shaw, relative to his despute with the Bengali Gentlemen & his
        Journey to Bagdad. The Agent likewise forwarded by this ship one set of the
        Diary & Consultation brot. up to the Day. That 15,000 Rupees wou’d be
        that evening forwarded by Carmenia Linguist & the Agent hopod, notwith­
        standing the Impedimts. from the Dutoh, to purchase a sufficient quantity
      "of wool. He mentioned, Mr. Pomfret’s Death and Mr. Holmes’s request to be
        relieved ; That the Carmenia Linguist had petitioned for leave to build ware
        houses there for oleaning & securing the wool, having hitherto been obliged
        to U9e his own on this accot. on which the Agent requested our directions. That
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