Page 186 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 186

                     Captain Baillio had paid into their Treasury 41,2<t5, Shahees, for which he
                     roooived Bills and tho Agent likewise had given Drafts on us for 46,300 ltupeos
                     Value rood, there, the particulars whereof & iu whose favour drawn he
                     then advised.


                                      Public Department Diary 29—1756.
                                        Bombay Cattle, 15th October 1756.
        The Agent tt    Came to hand a Letter from the Agent at Gombroon dated the 29th Sep-
        Gombroon, Letter (ember advising his last address was under the 6th same Month & Via Muscat
        Expedition ordered and he had since received our commands of tho 17th July per Drake Ketch,
        tfen egninef end That he now despatched the Hector to us, having landed from her tho oonsign-
        «cUry ihould^bo* went of woolen Goods, and loaded on her such merchandize as the Captain
        MtUbotim obtained cou*d recoive on   the whole amounting to Shahees 534,744, Goz 3,
        from Mur Mohm*. ag j)0r enclosed invoice, that his utmost endeavours should be exerted to
                    procure as much Carmenia Wool as possiple & he hoped the provision wou’d
                    he equal to last year’s. That the Linguist had to that time been advanced
                    712,607, Shahees, and had delivered 1,680 Maunds. He particularized the
                    quantity of woolen goods and Europe staples he had sold since the 1st August
                    1765 and assured us his greatest attention should be given to encrease the
                    vend of each. He mentioned the political situation of affairs in Persia and
                    contradicted Mr. Adams’s assertion of his not knowing he shou’d proceed
                    bo high in the Gulph as Bundereek (in Excuse of his Mr. Adams’s refusal of
                    a passage to Mr. Wood, observing that both he and tho Commander had
                    declared the Ship was bound to Bussorah and the Agent believed had then on
                    Board some freight Bales for Bundereek). That the Secretary had wrote
                   Mr. Adams a letter in oonsequence of that gentleman’s public declarations
                   Mr. 8eoker & Parsons, that Mr. Wood shou’d not go on his Ship. That in
                   obedience to our Commands he shou’d send the Swallow and Drake to demand
                    satisfaction of the Shaik at Congoone, whenever the former returned from
                    Muscat whither the Agent had dispatched her with some Europe Packets
                    received from Bussorah. That he had advised Mr. Wood of his intentions
                    regarding the Drake and Swallow directing him to proceed to Congoone and
                   await their arrival there and likewise permitted him to prooeed with those
                    vessels to Bundereek, to reestablish the Factory or obtain satisfaction for the
                    demolition of the Hon’ble Company’s House there which step he hoped
                   Mr. Wood’s favourable report of the advantages that might accrue to the
                    Company from the trade there wou’d induce us to approve. That not having
                   received Mr. Wood’s accounts for July, he cou’d not inform us of the expences
                    he had been at in building a Factory there. That 22,000 Rupees had been
                   remitted him since his arrival at Bundereek, and his Expenoes to the 31st July
                   1766 amounted to 2,796 Rupees. That he cou’d not Comply with the Ho.
                   Compy.’s orders for sending them a muster of Dutch draps, as the Dutch had
                   then none remaining but wou’d as soon as procurable. That he had recovered
                    the amount of Mr. Parker’s Customs Bill and adjusted and received of Oaot.
                   Williams the amot. of the Heotor’s damaged Goods. That he had received
                   Into the Company’s Cash 7,539 Rupees and given bills on us for the amount
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