Page 184 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 184

                      had Indented hither for the arms which were sent you by the first vessell
                      that sailed hence after its receipt, and you could have applied to the Resident
                      at Bussorah to have procured and sent you on the Hon’blo Company's account
                      such materials as you stood in need off.
                          As the Hon’blo the President and Council diroct that every proper
                      esPedient bo tryod for making a settlement at Bunderiok and conceive great
          until orders ar^ hopes from the promises you formerly wrote were made you by sovoral mer-
          Pmidenoy.   chants at Bussorah, as also you having wrote hithor that you doubted not,
                      but it would answer the Hon’ble the President and Council’s expectations
                      shall not give any directions for your quitting Buudorick untill I receive
                      their further orders on that head, nor would I have you take such a step
                      unless you apprehend your and the peoples lifes in danger, or something very
                      material happens that I can’t at present foresee.
                         You ought to represent to Meor Manna the advantages it will bo to
                      Bunderiok our Ilon’ble Masters having a settlement there, on the other Hand
                      that he may depend the Hon’blo the President and Council of Bombay will
                      take satisfaction for any insults offered the Hon’ble Company or their
                         As Hossain Caun Cadjar is now in this Kingdom with a large army
                      and having taken possession of Spahaun some time past and now besieging
                      Shyrash a revolution may soon be expected, aud if his designs are to keep
                      possession of the Country he will undoubtedly appoint proper persons to
                      reduced these petty Shaiks to his obedience and give encouragement to all
                     merobants whatever and then it may not be in Meer Manna or the Dutch
                     their powers to give any obstructions, a little time will show, is real Inten.
                         It’s currently reported here that Meer Manna on your return to Bunderick
                     from Bussorah made an offer of rebuilding the house at his own expence,
                     whiob, if true, I am surprized to find no mention made thereof in your
                                                                   I am,

                                                              Your Loving Friend,
                                                           ALEXANDER DOUGLAS.
                     24th July 1756.

                                     Publio Department Diary with Index 29—1756.

                                        Bombay Castle, 16th September 1756.
          flombroon, Latter
          from.          That from Gombroon bore date 6th August, and advised their last address
          Troable on Persia.
          The Dutch   under the 26th April, being forwarded per Neptune Galley also the Receipt of
          factory and trade
          at Karrak.  our Commands of the 4th April with a Packet for the Ho. Company,
                     wbioh was transmitted to Bussorah the 26th May & then particulariz’d the
                     ships arrived & Departed at and from their port. That under the 26th May
                     the Agent had sent to Bussorah the woolen goods reed, per Houghton for
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