Page 165 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 165

           as  much confusion then as it had been for many years the Spabaun was then
           in the hands of Careen Caun’s brother independent of any other person, Ghelam
           Musbat and Kirmoonshaw the Fabreze and Carasoon Countries and indeed
           all Persia in genoral was divided under the jurisdiction of different Cauns
           who had taken possession of all the strong Forts and Cities of importance
           throughout the.Kingdom—That it was true the Hot Countries were kept tolera­
           bly quiet under Nasscir Caun upon whoso friendship their safety there entirely
           depended and in case of his death there was no other Person in proper Auth­
           ority to keep tho soldiers and petty Governours under due command, who            !
           imagined tho European Factories there to be immensely rich, and that great        '
           Treasures were to bo obtained by tho plunder of them, so that it was not         I
           to be doubted they would bind all their force towards them at such a junoturc
           especially if they knew they had no means of escaping or securing their
           valuable effects by means of Shipping, however they had no Cause to be under
           any apprehensions of Danger for that or any such like accidents so long as
           a  Vessel of Force remained upon that station, which they begged leave to
           assure us, was  quite necessary until the Kingdom was settled. That the
           sea had of late years gainod considerably upon the lands about Gombroon tT°on-
           which occasioned the surf to break with greater force than usual against tho
           factory wharf at the time of the spring tides, whereby the stones were in
           many places quite washed away and the whole shaken in suoh a manner
           that a thorough repair was absolutely necessary to prevent its falling into
           ruins in which as well as all other expenses we might be assured of their
           utmost care and frugality. That upon the Bose Galley Alexander Douglas
           Near,, came to take charge of that Agency which was delivered over to 4-leia,nd®!~Do?BlM»
             1,                   0         .          .        ,            Agent at.Gombroon.
           him, and the lion ble Company s cash on oounting turned out exactly
           right. The remains in warehouse and acoounts of dead stock, etc., were also
           examined shortly after and proved agreeable to the General Books allowing
           for what was aotually expended and worn out last year and omitted to be
           wrote off, excepting the following particulars, tabbies and sattins Per Boscawen
           each two pieces, one silver inkstandish, twenty nine and a half guz of cut
           cloth and 17 old iron guns. The former four articles Mr. Wood assured
           them were never delivered into his charge neither had he seen them in the
           factory since his arrival and as he suffered considerably on making up a
           deficiency of old remains as would appear from Journal Y. Y. Folio 32 under
           the 31st July 1761, tho* they were missing a long time before he came to
           Gombroon and the warehouses were entirely empty when he arrived upon the
           Drake he hoped we would not deem him answerable for the above articles.
           That as to the old Guns he recollected that in July 1750 the Agent and Council
           intending to dispatch the Drake for Bombay ordered 17 useless guns to be
           returned upon her, and they were accordingly sent on board but on account of
           the Lhorrs plundering Spahaun, and troubles breaking out in different parts of
           the country about that time she was detained at Gombroon for about 12 months
           afterwards and the guns remaining all that while in her hole were quite for­
           gotten and of course not taken notice of in their accounts or advices to us.
           That this transaction also appeared in their Inventory Book as Mr. Wood had
           related it from thence they had drawn out an Account particulars of them
           which the inclosed under No. 4>. That Messrs. William Sedgwioke and John
           Parsons came to the assistance of that Agency by the Neptune, as did
           Mr. Richard Seeker from An jingo upon tho JBoneta Ketoh but Mr. Sedgwicke
           was taken ill of a nervous fever and fits shortly after his arrival and died tho
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