Page 144 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 144

                         Gombroon & at Bussorah, tho’perhaps for less prices for ready money or in
                         barton for copper. But in cnee that cannot be done wo have directed them to
                         send hither on tho return of the Drake as many Bales as she can take in ; That
                         is after their Carmenia wool and Copper with whatever other goods they may
                         have for Exportation are previously laden on board. -Wo have now sont them
                         two practical gunners with Sunday stores and permitted thorn if absolutely
                         necessory to detain half a score men out of the Drake in order to defend their
                         Factory against any Rabble that might insult them. And ns they are in want
                         of money for their faotory expenses wo have likewise consigned them the sum
                         of eight thousand Rupees for that purpose. We at the same time poremtorily
                        or any of your Honours settlements in India unless for small sums for their
                        necessary expenses; nor on any but such like accoi permit Bill drawn by any
                        Residenoy under them to be discharged as they would bo answerable for the
                        same. A letter and more part" acco.1 of your affairs in Persia will be herewith
                        transmitted you by your Agent and Council at Gombroon.
                                                       «        *        «       «

                                                                      Wo are,
                                                            May it please your Honour, etc.,
                                                                   WILLIAM WAKE.
                                                                   NATH- WHITTWELL.

                                                                   JN.r MUNRO.
                                                                  ROBi RAWDON.

                                                                   RICH?- SANDERSON.
                                                                   GEORGE SCOTT.

                                                                  JNO. 8EWELL.
                                                                   THOS. DORRILL.
                             Bombay Castle;
                           The lit December 1747.
                         Per DraVe Ketch vid Alleppo.

     i                                 PUBLIC DEPARTMENT DIARY No. 21.
     3                                    Bombay Castle, 21st February 1748.
     1      Gombroon, Latter
            from.          Imported the Drake Ketch from Gombroon. By whom received advices
                        from the Agent & Council there, dated the 4th Instant, wherein they
                        acknowledge receipt of ours of the 1st December & enclose an invoice of 52
                        Bales of Carmenia wool & 112 bags of old copper amounting to Shahees
            Proposal to Mod 225,338 being all this vessel could take in. They likewise transmit us AccV
            Hr. Grave* to
            Cannania.   Freight of Pearl from Bussorah to Surat, amounting to Rupees 39,966 and
                        acknowledge receipt of ours of the 1st December. They advice that agreeable
                        to our orders they will send M'- Graves to Carmenia as soon as the roads are
                        clear, and they were informed that some merchants were there who are
                       indebted to the Hi Company with whom M~ Graves shall settle accounts and
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