Page 143 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 143
8alea and accounts.
Diary & Consultations &c. Papers and had reoeived from thence to the amoi- of
590 Tomands & the Gentlemen there had remitted by bill to Bussorah 100 more
which had been received and with regard to withdrawing that settlement they
had directed the Gentlemen to engage in nothing to prevent complying with
the H.® Company’s Orders relating thereto. In respect to the Madras Bills they
cau ouly say that they had sent copy of our Orders & directed the Gentlemen
to get security of the Drawers in such manner as our Master may recover the
Money with Interest. Thoy had received from Carmenia since close of their
Books in Mouoy Copper &o. Shahcos 79l>434’5 & were advised from thence
uudor the V* ult° that all the cloth was sold and they proposed sending tbits
what remained in Warehouse with some of the Perpets which hope will meet
with a quick vend as indeed that settlement is the only one where they can
well dispose of those woollen goods. M.r Grendon at Bussorah had sold thirty
Bales of cloth to an Armenian for four months’ time, who being a very trusty
& Wealthy man he hopes it will be approved especially as there was no other
way to dispose of that article. M?, Henry Savage according to our appointment
had taken charge of the Agency for the K- Company’s approval they enclose
two Bills of Exchange in favour of the Company one for Zeldas 1,600 drawn
by Capt“ James Barton on the H4. the President and the other on Nathh Whit-
well, Esqr for 1,695-20 drawn by M?, S? George Pack having received no
orders in regard to the deceased Mi Jone’s Estate the amount whereof being
Shahees 3,568*6 had been paid into the FI® Company’s cash & they now
enolose the several Papers relatiug them & M-r Harrid having a Power of
Attorney from the Administrators to Charles Science his Estate being
Shahees 1,838*3 had been paid him to whom also all the Papers of the deceased
had been delivered. They apprehend the Success Galley will not be able to take
in all their Old Copper & Carmenia Wool the latter of which they fear will
be destroyed by worms if it continues there much longer nor have the gunnies
for packing it. They now transmit us their Diary & General Books for last
year also those of Spahaun Eaotory with Sundry Papers as per List.
The President and Council, Bombay, to the Hon'ble Court of Direotore for Affairs of the
United Company of Merchants of Euglaud Trading to the East Indies.
May it please your Honours,
Under the 14th ulto. we addressed your Honour fully per their Portjield
by the way of Surat duplicate of which with an additional letter under the
27th following we dispatched per Express boat to TelU to be thence tranmitted
by the first that dispatched from the Coast, and in consequence of what we
therin advised we now send this by the Drake Ketoh to Bussorah to be
forwarded via Alleppo; in which we shall acquaint your Honour of such
occurrences as are usual by an overland conveyance. i
As your Honour’s effeots in Persia are represented to us to be in a very Order tor the i
preoarious state we have now positively ordered your servants at Gombroon ™*||kyl!i£rie£
to withdraw their up country Eactories, recommending it only to them to send
servants for Carmenia for taking oare of your Honour’s effects and debts there
when it can be done with safety. Also disposed of the remains in wares at