Page 142 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 142
on the lloso, and by the last advices from thence we expoot Mr. Dorrill in a
short time, who was taken up in sottling his affairs. Our last letters from up
Country advise of Shaw Nadir’s return from Cnilat and that lie had appointed
all hi9 Governors to meet him at Tehraun, a place about ten days from Ispahan,
from whence he intended to go against the Turks with an Array of Two
hundred thousand men. During his stay at Ispahan he treated our Resident
Nadir 8bab call, as Civil as could bo expected from the tyrannical disposition ho was in, the time
a meeting of
Governor! at he was there, but wo believe it was owing to the help of a present amounting to
Sipuln©fOTr">nShahees 70,169-9 which could not bo avoided without running tho risk of his
oA£1;»o resentment.
Taluable preetnU.
Bombay Castle, 27th March 1747.
Imported the Augusta CaptS Galard Roberts Com; & James Supra GombrooD, u
Cargo with M; Cbas Lodwioke from Gombroon. By her received a letter from from'
Oppreeiion of the Agent & Council dated the 9!? Instant acknowledging receipt of our letters
people by Nadir
Shat. Henoe of the 7l-h Novi & Success Galley & 16ih January last P anjengo scoon which
deficiency of latter arrived there the 14‘ Instant. They acquaint us that the two ships
Carmani* wool.
Nadir sb*b, w»nt* belonging to Nadir Shaw from this place were safely arrived & they seemed
dJe?"0'jtrwnga- well pleased with the treatment they had met with while here. They shall
meLta to aend one.
send to Carmenia in all this month the broad cloth remaining with them (being
141 Bales) & 1,000 pieces of perpets as from the last advices they had received
from thence the warehouses there were cleared and as the indent they sent the
H2 Company oannot he received for some time, they desire a supply may be
sent them agreeable to that now enclosed. They are apprehensive that the
6,000 weight of Carmenia Wool indented for cannot he procured, as from the
oppression of the Government the people are obliged to sell their goats in the
market to raise money for their tax & the village oiroumjacent had been
plundered & their goats destroyed. However they shall recommend to
M-Graves to procure the quantity last ordered exclusive of former indents.
Nadir Shaw was then at Carmenia in his way to Sistoon which place had
revolted. He had been at Spahaun where he had used the people with great
T cruelty in order to extort mbney from them, to carry with him to his castle
where he say3 he intends to stay to resthimself & some think he intends to
Tt put one of his sons or grandson upon the Throne. While the King was in his
c oamp at Spahaun he wanted an European Doctor and sent a Rogam to the
tl Agent to procure one for him & upon their being informed that a capable man
t< Bogota obtained
exempting Engliib
good* from op was at or about Spahaun they had ordered the Resident to get him for that
eonntry dnliea. service and the Linguist while at the Camp had procured a Rogam freeing the
English of the Up Country Dutvs, which they say was well worded. They had
received the stores sent them on the Success Galley but as they are far short of
what is necessary they desire the enclosed Indent may be complied with.
Mi P. George Pack according to permission takes his passage for Bombay on
the Angusta as they are very & Care of hands they desire a supply of two or
three assistants. They had detained one Maokay belonging to the Angusta
who was of great Service to them & their Gunner being dead they desire to
be supplied with an able one in his room. They now send the Spahaun Books