Page 134 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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ships he civilly and justly treated. Those being the terms they could get
after four years continual solicitation they hope wo will approve their accept
ing them, as their business which since tho late revolution has been so
uncertain will bo carried on without interruption and tho present king being
so fast on tho throne as in all probability to leave it quietly to the posterity
the Hon’ble Company they say may enjoy the priviledges for many years.
The Beglerbeggy is very solicitous to have the sum he is to receivo on the
Kogum being confirmed paid him in hand, hut they are determined not to
part with so much money till they are in possession of them, they say tho
j Beglerbeggy is resolved to continue at Gombroon till lie hoars what success
Lettifah Caun meets with and that ho talks of spending somo time at Asseen
on tho approach of the Hot weather, where they can do no otherwise then
entertaiu him in an handsomo manner for two or three days tho’ it will
oocasion a further expence to the Hon’ble Company. That tho Beglerbeggy
desiring them to give him a hill on Carmania for two hundred Toraands silveV
which they endeavoured to evade complying with. Ho thereupon gave thorn to
understand they must not expect the liberty of bringiu" anything from thence
but "Wool and has given the Shawbuuder an order to detain any copper, Block-
to Money or anything else they may bring from Carmania except wool, alledging
that if we did not bring those artioles other merchants wou’d and pay a largo
duty on them; That formerly we brought down nothing but Cbegums and
silver which we might still continue to do, but the gentlemen observe that
the extravagent exchange between those species and Black Money would
render it to no purpose to send up Cloth without liberty of making the returns
in Copper. They have therefore Consented to give him a Bill for two hundred
tomands which they are to receive of tho chief Banian at Gombroon, in hopes
he will recall his orders to the Shawbunder tho* they fear he will not drop
this affair without a present, and should not that prevail on him they desire
our orders relating hereto. They hafe News that Iulphar and tlieShaiks along
that Coast have submitted to Letifali Caun, the Beglerbeggy was gathering
more forces, the Dutch having promised him their large ship for a transport
he had hinted as if he intended to go over himself, and that we should carry
him which, if true, wou’d occasion a great deal of trouble.
iVa Bombay Castle, Febbuaby 1740-1741.
®°l Letter from By this vessel received a letter from the Agent and Council at Gombroon
prr Gombroon.
the of the 10th December last which was prepared on notice of the [Fame’s in
«ni tended departure from Bussorah and designed by one of their Trankeys to have
Rising of the intercepted her in her passage down the Gulpb. They inform U9 that on the
PenilnMorino 26r August news was brought that the Arabs in the Persian Marine Service
iKKSSl* rk0n UP011 the Persians whom they killed with their Admiral Mir Ally
and 8hoikh Buna. Cawn, and carried away* the whole Fleet consisting of| three ships, a Grab
and a Brigantine which were afterwards divided & placed under the respec
tive commands of Abdull 8haik and Shaik Rama Arabs of different Casts.
Whereupon the Dutch having two ships of about twenty guns each in the
Port the Government prevailed upon them to go ia quest of these Rebel Is