Page 81 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 81



                     WITH A SUMMARY OF EVENTS-1600-1800.

                          t Thomas Rastell to the Hon’ble E. I. Company.
              Right Worshipful! Itt hath pleased the Almeightyo God, in his great Proposes to visit
          goodness, to protect us hither in safetie and blessed unitie and concord together
          the 14th of this present month, our people generally then in reasonable good p™nPy?avit°^“’
          plight, and without the losse of any more than five men in our whole shipe, for p«»ia.
          the'which His mercies may His blessed name be magnified for ever ! Wee
          met not with any accidents in our passage hither that is worth your notice,
          nor  did wee touch att all at the Cape, having before most happilio fallen
          upon the Island of Trinidada lying in the latitude of 20 and 40 ms., where wee
          bad both safe rydinge and very plentiful refreshment, both of fish and fowl in
          great abundance, and where I should wish all our outward-bound fleets might
          endeavour futurely to stay, at a place more safe than the Cape, and more easie
          to get off without the least tardiness or difficultie, the water being excellent
          good, though a little troublesome in its conveyance into our boats. The
          further description whereof, as of the island itself, together with the reasons of
          our not fullie wateringe therefore that tyme, I referr unto the Commander’s
          relason hear (sic) with all, and proceed to other advice following.
              Att this island wee arrived the 20th day of May, and sett sayle againe
          the 25th ditto; and having doubled the Cape without touching there as
          aforesaid, I saw fair likelihood on a great proportion of tyme to be advanst
          unto us serving to no other use in your benefit than fruitlesslye to be cast
          away on eating and drinking att all the islands, and therefore fell into  con-
          sideration how to make use of their advantage unto your behoust; and that in
          communicating my mynde witu the Commander in private, and afterwards to
          the rest in publique, how greatly it would redowneto the convenience, strength,
          and benefit of your trade and state and fleet that possibly Persia might be
          reasonably attained before our arrival at Surrat; but so as the adventures of
          your business in the one might no way prejudice the other. Thus at my
          arrival here at 8t. Lawrence 1 1 • 1 wee most prosperously found these
          ships, the Charles and Jonas, the 14th of the present month •  •  *  * •
               • to Mr. Wilde and Captain Widdell • *    * • •   •   * highly
          ’ •
          applauded the design, especially *  • •  * stood the grounds •  *  *
                     •   *   * there being forts in the Gulf •   •   *   •   »
          first that so much ••*•*♦*• WOuld bee bereby secured>
          which otherwise must runne a hazard with the rest upon the Coast of India,
          and the likelyest place of the two for our ffleets to be assaulted ; that being
          at thatpUc***   WM oa way *rom England to Surat tto  assume  office of Chief of Ent India Company
             • These parts of the letter are destroyed by age.
             Mt8 F. D.
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