Page 79 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 79
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Appendix F.
Me. Selection No. 10 Satnuol Manesty and Harford Roport on the Commoroo of Arabia and Persia.
J ones, to t lio Government of
Bombay, lOtb August 1700.
Appendix O.
Secret and Political Mr. Maiatcr (Custom Master) Roport on the state of trade between India and Persia and
Department Diary and Mr. Fawcott (Acconntant suggestions as to the means of improving it.
No. 86 of 1709. General), to tko Government
of Bombay, 3rd December
Appendix H.
Secret and Political Captain Malcolm, to the Gov Roport on the state of trade between India and Porsia and
Department Diary ernor Gonoral, 26th February suggestions as to the means of improving it.
No. 89 of 1800. 1300.
Appendix I. List of tho Company’s agents.
Appendix J. Glossary of words.