Page 75 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 75
Name of Iba book or Nature of documouts Summary. Bimiu.
Volatoe ol tbo or paper*.
Turkish Arabia Prd* Mr.Mancsty, to tbo Prosidoucy, Happy rotations with the Pasha of Baghdad. Projeotod
cb, 1840—1810. 21th May 1708. Turkish expedition against tbo Wahabis.
Secret and Political The Resident at Bushiro, to the Communication of intelligence t > Manritina of the movements
Department Diary Imam of Maskat, 23rd July of Biitiah vessels by means of Arab vessels sailing between
Ko. 05 of 1798, 1700. Maskat and Mauritius.
page 3010.
8ecret and Politioal Bombay Government, to Mohdi Instructions to Mehdi Ali Khao, now Resident at Bnshire:
Department Di*ry Ali Khan, appointed Resi- (1) to tako steps to counteract French intrigues at Maskat ;
No. 63 of 1798, dont at Bnshire, 3rd Septem (2) to do the same in Persia; (3) to adopt measures for
page 3065. ber 1708. improving the British commerce in Persia.
Secret and Political Resident at Bashire (Mr. Revolntion in Bnshire; Sheikh Mahomed, Sheikh Nasir’s
Department Diary 8mitb), to tho Presidency, brother, and a Persian officer attack the town ; attempt of the
No. 68 of 1798, 27th September I7u8. Resident to proceed to Karrak frustrated by Sheikh Nasir
page 6272. blockading the harbour with ships having Uttubi Arabs
on board. Blockade of the town and the Residency ; the rotten
condition of tbo Residency building.
Secret and Politioal Mehdi Ali Khan, to the Resi Reporting settlement of affairs as desired by Government.
Department Diary dency (Maskat), 7th October Obstacles thrown by Narotam, tbo broker, in establishing
No. 68 of 1798. 1798. a factory.
Seoret and Political Resolution of tho Bombay Dismissing tho broker Narotam.
Department Diary Government.
No. 68 of 1798.
Page 6198 Mehdi Ali Khan, to the Proceedings at Musket; Konlnama signed by the Imam:
Ooveinor of Bombay, 14th requests of the Imam's government.
October 1798.
Page 6390 . The Governor of Bombay, to Mehdi Ali Khan's sneoess in obtaining the agreement from
Governor-General, 29th Octo the Imam; recommendiug the requests of the Imam for
ber 1798. favourable consideration.
Secret and Politioal Mr. Smith (late Resident at Mr. South delivers over oharge of the Company's offices to
Department Diary Bashire), to the Residency, Mehdi Ali Khan, but refoses to hand over the Britiah flag
No. 09 of 1798. 1st November 1798. to a Mussulman.
puge 6020.
Page 6034 . Resolution of the Bombay Condemning the conduot of Mr. Smith and ordering him to
Government, 23rd November deliver over the flag to Mehdi Ali Khan.
Page 6180 . The Governor of Bombay, to Appointment of Harford Jones. Cendant at Baghad, for the
Mehdi Ali Khan, 30th Nov- purpose of counteracting the maohinatlous of the French
ember 1798. Assistance to bo given to settle the differenoe between
Baghdad and Maekat.
Basrah Factory Samuel Maneaty, to the Presi Threatened attaok on Basrah by the Imam of Maskat.
Diary No. 204 P. dency, 17th December 1798. veation of the Besideut aaked for. Aotion takeu by him.
of 1798.