Page 72 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 72
K*m« of lb* V*oe or Kdari of decunwoU Summery.
Volamoot lb* or papira R‘»uu.
Secretariat Inward Lei tor from Mr. Beaumont, All the forta occupied by tho Tnnkeoor pooplo having surron-
dorod, tho tmops anemblod had disporaod. Sadu Khan
Loiter Book No. dated 10th Soptombor 1779. reported to have nstmmod govorninont, on confining Abnl
32 of 1778*79, Fath Khan. Peace waa restored, juatioo hotter adminis
page 234.
tered and trade flourished.
Secretariat Inward hotter from Reiident, Ruehire, Politicel events in Porsia; Civil wars botweon Sadu Khan
and Alimorad Khan. Tho incoinploto ltosidoncy building
Letter Book No. dated 6th Fobruavy 1780. comes down during uiiusuhI heavy rains. Bill drawn by
33 of 1780, page Roxident on the Presidency to meet his liabilities as ho
68. woolons had arrived. Mr. Beaufort oskb leavo to return to
Presidonoy (after having resided 12 years in tho Qulfj owing
i to ill health.
Secretariat Inward Letter from Resident. Buihire, Arrival at Bnshiro of the Eagle with Messrs. Petrie and
Letter Book No. dated 16th July 1780. Abraham, down with fever caught at Basrah. Death of
35 of 1780, page Mr. Abraham. Accounts of Busbiro Rosidonoy for year ending
20th April 1780. Deficit of Rs. 9,124, of whioh Rs. 9,72ii
lb2. spent on prosonts daring the reoont tack of Bushire by Tank*
seer people, and Rs. 2,000 in building residential quarters.
Civil war in Persia and troubles in the Gulf. Imam at war
with Shoikh Re'hid of ............. Sheikh Abdullah of Ormnz
with Charrack, Sheikh Sagar of Alharam with Tamia people,
the Zobsra and Grain Arabs with tho Koab. Bunderik
accidentally consumed by fire.
Turkish Arabia Messrs. Latonche and Abraham, Appointment of Soliman Aga, Pasha of Baghdad and Basrah.
Prfoiii, 1648-1848. to the Governor end Connoil, Hie friendly altitude towards the British.
16th January 1780.
Ibid. Resident at Basrah to the The Pasha defeats some rebels.
Secret and Polilieal Resolution of the Bombay Separation of the 8eoret and Politioal Department, from the
Department Diary Government, dated 11th Jana* Publio Department, and all offioers instructed that “ when
No. 32 of 1765, ary 1785. they have occasion to write to us on political affairs and
page 2. foreign nations or on any subjeot of whatever nature, which
i may require aeoreoy, they will in future address us ia our
Secret and Political Department."
Pug* 35 The Bombay Government, to George Matob&m returning to Europe to go by way of
Edward Gaily, Reiident at Ispahan to investigate the oauses of tho decline of tho
Bushire, 1st February 1785. Persian trade and to report whether there is any reasonable
prospeot of its soon again reviving.
Page 127 . Resident at Bathire, to the Matcham nnable to proceed by way of Persia now involved
Bombay Government, 19th into confusion owing to the deatn of Shah Ali Marad Khan.
March 1785.
Toge 419 . Resident at Boibire to the Three French ships arrive At Maskat with a view to establish
Bombay Government, 12th a house at that plaee. But their proposal rejected by 8heikh
September 1786. Calfoun, the Governor, who told the Freuoh that bo had the
Imam’s orders not to permit of any European nation
settling there.
8scrut and Political Resident >t Buihire, to the Jaffer Khan at Kazeroun, with an army of 10 to 16 thousand,
Department No. Bombty Government, 25th summons all the Governors, except Sheikh Naair, who sends
54 of 1788, page October 1786. him largo number of presents.
Secret and Political Resident at Buihire, to the
Department Diary Bombay Government, 10th Jsffar Eban still at Kazeroun. Presents sent to Mirza Hosioin,
No. 36 of 1787, December 1788. formerly Sadoo Khan's Secretary, now Jaffar Khan’s Prime
page 2. minister.