Page 69 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 69

      Kami of th# book or   Nature of doouxntnta     Summary.
       volant of tho    or paper*.
    Basrah F a o t o r y   Agont and Council at Baarah   Expedition gotting roady at Bushire supposed by some to bo
     Diary No.    to the Proaidenoy, dated 1st   intended against Maskat and by others against Bnarab.
                                      Soloman Agha appointed Muesallm in the room of Essuf
                  December 1778 (on BoArd tho
     of 1771-1773,  Itcrongo in Maekat Road).  Agha.
      p. 108.
     Basrah Faotory   Extracts from tho Agent's   Sheikh Mohomed, Governor of Gombroon, being at 8hiraz,
      Di aryNo. ~-   Diary let to 23rd Deoembor   his son offors tbo Dutch factory to tho English. The Maekat
                                      floot boms two Porrian gallivots at Gambroon. Tbo position
     of 1771-1778,   1773 (on his way to Basrah).  of tho fleots—Messrs. Beaumont and Green at Hushiro.   '
     p. 170.                          Shoikh invites tbo Agent to tho shore at Bushiro. Mr. Abraham
                                      lands and is received with groat politeness—Aga Kutohook,
                                      a merchant of Porsia and Sheikh NoBir'a Attorney, makes
                                      certain purchases.
    Basrah Factory   Mr. Mooro to the Pasha of  Reporting his return to Basrah—Calling the attention of the
     Diary No.    Baghdsd, dated 12th January   Pasha to the wretched condition of tho merchants—Proposal to
                  1774.               send a caravan from Basrah to Aleppo direct—2 vessels
     of 1774.                         brought from Bombay for the Pasha.
    Basrab Faotory   The Pasha of Bagbgdad to Mr.   Pasha asks the Agont to man and manage tho ships. Tho
     DiaryNo. £-   Moore, dated 16 ih February   caravan ib to go from Baghdad not from Basrah—asks tho
                  1774.               Agoni’s aid to bring thocofco fleets to Basrah from Maskat.
     of 1774.
    Basrah Faotory   Mr. Moore to the Pasha of   The Pasha presumably refers to Karim Khan's request for
     DiaryNo. £-   Baghdad, dated 20th Febru­  tbo English and Turkish ship* to assist him against Maskat
                  ary 1774.           Arabs, on default of whioh be tbrratned to attack Baarah—
     of 1774.                         Mr. Moore advises the Pasha to tend troops and order tho
                                      Arabs for tho defence of Basrah agaiust tho threatned Persian
    Basra Faotory   Mr. Moore to the Pasha, dated  In viow of the probablo Persian uttack on Basrah, Agency
     DUrjNo. ^    14th December 1774.  going to leave the place.
     of 1774.
    Basrah Factory  Despatch from Basrah to tho   Designs of Karim Khan against Basrah—Differences between
     Diary No. ~   Couit of Directors, dated   the Turks and tbo Kaab—Hyder Alt’s embabsy to Karim
                  23rd April 1774.    Khan for obtaining a settlement on the Gulf. Beaumont
     of 1774, p. 169.                 and Green on their way to Bushire. War against Imam at
                                      Maska^-rZakey Khan (brother of the Vakil) decoyed by
                        CCVI.         8heikh Abdullah of Ormus and eondned as a prisoner.
    Basrah Factory   Despatch from Basrah to the   Terms of treaty with Persia proposed by Imam of Maskat.
     DiaryNo      Court of Directors, dated   Mr. Greeu sent to Basrah to negotiate terms of agreement
                  1st October 1774.   between the Company and Karim Khan, whioh the Agenoy
     of 1774, p. 271.                 would not accept.
    Pnblio Department  Orders of the Governor in  Orders as regards the affairs of the Gulf. Serious incon­
     Diary No. 67 of   Counoil, dated 11th February   venience had been oaosed at tho Presidency by the detention
     1776, p. 182.  1776.             of tho Eagle and 8ucceaa at Basrah. The heavy expense
                                      involved in this was owing to the differences with Karim
                                      Khan, which had their origin in the antipathy of Mr. Moore
                                      (agent at Basrah) to the Khan. This disagreeable situation
                                      must now  cease, and the agency most take every measure
                                      to oome to understanding with Karim Khan. It was neces­
                                      sary to obtain tho release of Messrs. Beaumont and Green__
                                      but " as from the their representation we have reason to
                                      conoludo that the enlargement of Mr. Beaumont, cannot
                                      be obtainod without re-establishing a settlement at Bushire
                                      and as humanity dictate# that we should devise some means
                                      to effoct his release, we have thorofore to acquiesce in the
                                      measure, notwithstanding it is Prohibited by our Honble
                                      employers, provided a peace with the Caun and the enlarge-
                                      ment of Mr. Beaumont, can be obtained on no other terms •
                                      for as we observed above, tho interest of the Company will
                                      o0t,^.mi^.any loneer of their 0rni*0™ being stationed in the
                                           Mr. Garden (member of the Council) prooeeding to
                                      the Gulf on h» private aflairs is authorised to treat with
                                      Persian authorities with a view to obtain tolease of Mr. Beau
                                      mont and make peaoe with tho Persians, and if to obtain
                                      those purposes ho has to agroe to re-opso the factory at
                                      Bushire, tins agreement should bo respected and carried out
                                      s-a  Bmhir-—f.iiiog
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