Page 64 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 64
xlviii Summary.
JUflB* of tb» book or Net jr* of document# or r«per«. Bummsrjr.
t*1ko# of lb* Ci
Pnhlle Department Resident at Bueliiro to the Moor Mohann on let January 1706 attacked tho Dutch nl
Diary No. 46 of Bsuibay Government, dated Karrak and oxpolled them from tho ]>l*»ce. Tho Dutch
1766, p. 133. 6th January 17<J0. ropairod to Ouehiro and w.-ro on their application supplied
with money and nocc#*arics. Alter Mohan* threatened to
attnek Bahrein and Bushiro—but promiecd to respect tho
EngiUh property. No rvlianoo could bo placed on u man,
who muidofd father, mother, brother and about 20 other
relation#. To dostroy this im<u would rid tho Gulf of a
Ibid . Orders of the Bombay Govern Exprosling concern at tho oxpulidon of tho Dutch from Ear- I
ment, dated 1st Alsrch 1766. rack and at his having intention to attack Bushiro. Thu
Uosidrnoy should take necovsary precautiona for security of
tho Company's property, and at tua tamo time avoid interfer f
ing in his disputes with the Dutch or country government
unless directed to do so from the agency, and, by no menus
assist tho Dutch against Mr or Mobana or attempt to employ
foreigner# against Knirak. Approving however of tho
Rcsidont entertaining tho Dutch and charging tbo Company
with tho expenses.
Public Department The Factors at Bushiro to the Tho Kaab Sheikh had plundorod village near Basrah. Moor
! Diary No. 48 of Fresidouoy, 6th April 1766. Mohana kept quiet since his capture of Karrak through foar
1760, p. 466. of Karim Khan.
Public Depaitment Court of Director# to the Agent Copies of letter from tho Residency at Bushire to tho Presi
letters from Court and Cooucil in Persia, dated dency should be sent to tho Agout aud Counoil at Basrah.
of Directors No. 3 2nd May 1766. The Resident should not ooriospond with Ivariiu Khan or
of 1742—1800, other local authorities about obtaining settlements, (to.,
p 88. without authority from the Agent and Council, though the
Resident may represent masters to them on oase of impedi
ments to trade. No sgouts should be appointed by tho Rosi-
Basrah Faotory Agent and Council, Basrah, to Mea-ures taken against tho ICaab and nothing effectually dono,
Diary No. of the Court (Messrs. Wrench and Dilatory proceedinge of the Turks—They were told that tho
Skipp), 29th May 1766. Briii-h fleet could not be kept after 1st July 1766 except at
1765-67, Part I, Turkish cost.. The Sheikh of Buehiro asked to assist with
p. 168. Persian ships and forces, which was promised ouly if tho
Company would aid tho Persian against Alter Alohana, which I
was considered not advisable by tho Agoncy.
Basrah Factory Agent and Council, Basrah to Operations against the Kaab.
Diary No. jJj of tne Court (Aie*sra. Wrench The Pasha promises 1.0C0 tomans a month to meet the chargo
and Skipp), 30th July 1766. of tho Company's fleet, and orders pajmont of Haji Yusufs
1765-67, p. 212.
Secretariat Inward Besident at Baihire to the Promising strict compliance with the orders* of the Court of • See No.
Book No. 20 of Agent and Council at Basrah, Director#. It would have Wen well hsd his predecessors clvii.
1766, p. 500. 22nd August 1766. observed the above rule and not attempted to get Sheikh
Nssir removed. The Government had been in Sheikh's
family for ages. 'I he Sheikh's ton now doinandod 111,000
more as rent for the factory and sent for the Company's
broker, with both of which requests the Resident proposed to
refuse to comply in a polite letter to the Sheikh.
Baarah Factory Reiident at Bushire to tbs Turks not yet efEoient to reduce tbo Knob. Tho English
Diary No. of Agent and Council at Basrah, foroe not snflicient f<r land operations as immediately after
1766—67, Part II, daltd 24th August 1766. engagement with the gallivais the Kaab retired to Doiak,
p. 14. where the English fleet oould not reach them. Co-operutiou
by laud of. Turkish forces tssental. Tho Turkish army
inarch with intention to take up encampment close to an
English ships on Dorak river.
Basrah Factory Agent and Council at Basrah War again*t the Kaab. Captain Nesbil arranges for a meeting
Diary No. of to the Presidency, dated 23rd with Sheikh Gauum. A conflict between elm Kaabe, and the
October 1766. British force.—The Foit William and the Sally burnt by
1765, p. 51. tho Kaabs. Defeat of the Turki-h floet. Attacks by tho
Turke and English on the Kaab redoubts in which 4 English
ntlioers wero killed with several men. Karim Khan’s inter
ference. '1 bo Turks break up their cuuip. Karim Khan
claims the Kaab as hi# subjects and wants the Turks to retiro
and p> to olituiu from them reparation for loses. Tho
British claims against tie Turks. Tho Baghdad liesidcncy
witbdrawu i»co Kotuoto on pago 211).