Page 59 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 59

Summary.                                  xliii

      »*£JtVS k or     N»turo of document*             Summary.               Bi
                         or paper*.
     Pablio Department,   Lett or from Agent and Counoil,   Prospects of peaceful settlement between Karim Khan and
                                       Is'tt'ir Khan. The Inti* r disapproves of his brother JatEor
       Diary No. 36 of   Qoinbro m, datod 3rd October   Khan's condnot. Boni Main and Charrack Arabs are sent
       1760, page 820.  1760.
                                       to occupy Orruuz.
     Publio Department,   Consultation datod 28th Jan*   Tho Agent and Council at Gombioon ought to have in view
                                       not only Ormuz, but any other convenient island to. remove
       Diary No. 36 of   uary 1761.    tho settlcmtnt t<i; and onglt to exoicise their own discretion
       176j, page 224.                 in nn emergency. The loan to Nnsir Khan of 1,0 O tomans
                                       not justified ; unless it was a case of neceasitv. Such loans
                                       should bo avo'ded. If Gombroon is abondonod,^ a servant
                                       should bo loft there to keep communication with Carmauia.
     Publio Depsitmont.   Bombay Government, to tho   Order'ng eniuirie* to bo m-tde a* to the prospoct of trade in
                                       Cornish tin. Two writer* sent to assist the Ageocy. The
       Diary No. 36 of   Gombroon Agoucy, 4th March
       1761, page 254.  1761.          oharges of the Basrah Residency to bo kept down.
      Publio Department,   Letter flora Agent and Counc il,  (living very unfavourable accounts about sales of woollens.
       Di*rj No. 36 of   Gombroon, dated 28th Fob-   Trade in Curuiania lad on account of oppressions of Karim
       1761, page 370.  ruaiy 1761.    Khan's Governor. Situation not improved at Gombioon.
     Publio Department,   Letter from Agent nnd Coancil,  Jaffi-r Khan's onpressirns. He woulJ prevent the removal
       Ditry No. 66 of   Gombroon, dated 9tb April   €.f the factory from Goml roon, unless th»-re was a sufficient
       1761, page 390.  1761.          Biit'*h force. Bo owed the agency still a large sum of
                                       the debt. The Agent had proceeded to Basrah, leavirg
                                        Mr. Listar in charge. No psace made between Karim Khan
                                       and Nnsir Khnn. The Agent woold inspect tbe islands in
                                        the Gulf and propose which would be the best to remove
                                       tho factory to. The debt to Nosir Khan was made out of
                                       necessity to avoid worse evils.
      Publio Derailment,   Letter from Dymoke Lyator at   Arabs threatening to at’ack Gombroon. Jaffar Khan prepar­
       Diary No. 37 of   Gouibtoon, dated lltb May.  ing for defence. A*ks for two guns from Agency, a request
       1761, page 618.                  which was evaded. Kaiim Khan's movement a.
      Poblie Department  Lettor, from Mr. Dymoke   Beni Main Arabs endeavouring to get JafFar Khan removed.
       Diary No. 37 of   Lyater, Gombrocn, dated 1st   This was ordered by Nasir Khan, as hi* government had
       1761', page 796.  Ootobtr.       done harm to Gombroon’s proipority. Hadji Ali appointed
                                        Govirnor of Gombroon in his place. Karim Khan and
                                        Nasir Khan make p0 *co, under which the latter confirmed
                                        H8 Governor of the Hot oountrie*.  K'asir Khau'a measured to
                                        eubject the Persian coast. Troubles in Carmnnia. The
                                        agency linguist obliged to leave Carmania. Beni Main Arabs
                                        bring their families from Ormuz. Mulla Ali Shaw goes to
                                        Oman. But attempt on Ormuz failed. Assistance
                                        of Jalfar Arabs in order to capture Ormuz. Tho Jalfar
                                        Arabs plunder a dingey with goods for merchants and the
                                        Agency at Uomoroun.
      Pablio Department,  Order of the Governor in  Approving of the Agent's intention of removing to an
       Diary No. 37 of   Council, dated 3rd Novem­  island in the Gulf, npon his hearing from Bnthire. His
       1761, page 713.  ber 1761.       sentiments about removing from Gombroon awaited. It is
                                        lyft to tho discretion of ihe Agent and Council to remove
                                        wheresoever in tho Gulf they may think it proper in ca*s
                                        of necessity. The sale of the woollens to be prom* ted at
                                        any other port or perts.
      Pablio Department,   Older of tho Governor in  Directing that the usual detachment of military proceed on
       Diary No. 87 of   Counoil, dated 20th Novem­
       1761, page 731.  ber 1761.       board the Drake ketoh, but it is not to be lauded at
                                        Gombioon except in case of necessity, and enquiring whether
                                        sepoys would answer better than European soldiers.
      Poblie Department,   Letter to Gombroon, from Go­
       Diary No. 37 of   vernor in Council, dtttd
       1761, psgo 742,
                    26th Novomber 1761.
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