Page 54 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 54


                    Nmm ol U>» toot or   NkUra c< d"*om«t«        Summary.               Biiuit.
  1                   Tolon* of »h*   or ph***
                   Pablio Department   Consultation of the President   Allotted ill-trcatmont by tbo Govomor of 8urat of Mahomed
                                                   flea, Vakil of the King of Persia. Mahomed fleg eonda a boat
                     Diary No. 23 of   and Council, Bombay.  to Gombroon with lettors from Mulla Alt Shaw, Commander
  :                  1760, pages 106—              of the Persian fleet, to ask Agent and Council to tbo Chiefs
                     108.                          and factors at Surat for nssistanco. The Gombroon agency
                                                   to bo informed that Mahomed fleg had all tbo assistance
  «                                                that could be givon him os ozpcotod from tho English in a
                                                   Kingdom whoro tboy havo no other authority or power than
                                                   the maintaining the Company's privileges.
                                                  Mr. Graves and Mr. Dairymple sent In 1760 to Ispahan to
                    Danvers' Psport on             examine into the Company’s affaire. H hilst thoro tho Com­
                     the India Office              pany's house teas attacked and plundered ; thoy thomsclvoa
                    records relating to            wero ill-tivated, wounded and stripped by tho rebels. They
                    Persia and Persian             succeeded in getting book to Gombroon in Ootobor 1750, and
                    Gulf, peg* 36.                 tbo Company nevor again sont an ngont thoro.
                   Pablio Dspartmsnt   Consult*'ion of tbo President   Coins from Porsia in tho Company's mint at Bombay.
                    Diary llo. 23 of   aud Council, Bombay.  Danvors Gravel), Resident at Ispahan, appointed a Member
                    1760, page 161.                of the Board at Bombay. If Ispahan requires a covenanted
                                                   servant, “ Mr. Dsirymplo must bo appointed to reliovo
                                                   Mr. Graves till eaoh time as ho can bo recalled, for we
                                                   would havo no covenant servants rmldo thoro any longor than
                                                   tbe necessity of those ill-oonducteJ affairs may unavoidably
                                                   require." Tho allowanco for tbo passage of covonant
                                                   servants between tho Poreian Agonoy and tbo Presidency to
                                                   bo eontinuod in tbe usual footiug. Affairs of Mossrs. Pierson
                                                   and Blandy. Mahomed Beg haU been assisted by tho Chief
                                                   and factors at Surat as rouoh as lay in their power. Tho
                                                   Agenoy asked to inform tho Presidency as to the con­
                                                   sequences thst might ensuo to tho Company’s affairs by
                                                   detaining Mahomed Bog's ship in part satisfaction of tho
                                                   money loans they havo susfaiuod and, if possible, to get a
                                                   proper written authority for'tbat purpose.
                   Pnblie Department   Agent and Connell at Gom­ Results of the examination of Mr. Pierson, who confesses his
                    Diary No. 24 of   broon, to tbe Presidency,   guilt. Confusion in Perm after Nadir Shah's death in 1747.
                    1761, page 64.  11th January 1761.  Ahmed Shah captures Shiraz. Kxp^otod attack on Gombroon
                                                   and preparations of the Ea«t India Company's Agent and
                                                   Council and of the Dutch to leavo tbe place with the
                                                   assistance of Mullah Ali Shaw, woo agreOB to place at their
                                                   disposal a ship.
                                       LX .
                   Pablio Department   UoainUtion at tbe Presidency  The Agent and Council should not leavo Gombroon unless
                     Diary No. 24 of   on 26th February 1761.  absolute danger to their life necessitates thoir departure, in
                    1761.                          wbioh case thoy should settle iu some island in the Gulf at
                                                   Buahire or Banda Rig where they would be woloomo.
                   Pablio Dspartmsnt   Agent and Council at Gom­ Anaroby in Persia wbioh compola large number of Persians to
                     Diary No. 26 of   broon, to tbs Presidency, 17th   lesve tbe country to proceed to Mocca and elsewhore. Trade
                     1762, page 62.  Janaary 1762.  at a standstill. Hoola Arabs send 12 trankey with soldiers
                                                   ostensibly to pay respeots to Mulla Ali 8haw, but really to
                                                   capture his ships. They are induced to return with one
                                                   ship and two gallivals, thus leaving only one ship in his poss­
                                                   ession. Mahomed Beg, Poreian Agent m India, writes very
                                                   poorly of the English power in India, and advices Mullah
                                                   Ali Shaw not to be very mnch in fear of them. Mnllah Ali
                                                   8baw‘s insolent ways towards the English and hs threatens
                                                   to force money from people under their protection. The Gom-
                                                   bro>n Agenoy advise that no arsist-inco bo givon to Mahomed
                                                   Beg aud that his ships be detained. The Military detsoh-
                                                   mont at Gombroon. Unmarried sopoys preferred for the
                                                   detachment at Gombroon.
                   Pahlie Department   Agent and Council at Gom­ Nasir Khan, Chief of Lara, attacks Gombroon, seizes Mulla
                     Diary No. 26 of   broon, to tbo Presidency,   Ali Shaw, his ship and family. He pays a friendly visit
                     1762, page 212  24tb February 1762.  to tbe English factory and proposes to appoint anybody
                                                   as Governor as tboy would soloot, to wbioh the Afrent
                                                   gives an evasive reply. He takes 80 tomans from the Banians
                                                   under English protection, which is little, as ho took fix
                                                   times os rauoh from the Dutch. His oppression of tbo
                                                   people. Tho Agency propose to wiihdiaw to somo Island
                                                   near. Advantages of this step speolfled.

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